mgcoins database

Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Roman Emperors

420-410 AR hemidrachm 2.08 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
420-415 AR hemidrachm 2.01 g Himera goat rider l/ Nike flying l
379-371 AR hemidrachm 0 g Boeotia - Thebe shield/ kantharos
350-300 AR hemidrachm 2.3 g Mysia - Parion bull stg l/ Gorgon facing
343-338 AE hemidrachm 15.28 g Syracuse hd Zeus Eleutherios r/ thunderbolt
343-338 AE hemidrachm 13.79 g Syracuse hd Zeus Eleutherios r/ thunderbolt
338-317 AR hemidrachm 1.64 g Akragas crab/ horse r
317-310 AE hemidrachm 11.28 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ bull charging l
317-310 AE hemidrachm 9.83 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ bull charging l