mgcoins database

Rome AD 161-162 AR denarius 3.26 g 1.74 cm 1.72 cm 1h

obverse: hd Lucius Verus l IMP L AVREL VERVS AVG
reverse: Providentia stg l holding globe and cornucopiae PROV DEOR TR P II COS II
RSC II 155
Holleman munten List 91 Sept 1992, *107 

Lucius Verus (Lucius Ceionius Commodus) 130, 161-169
His father Aelius was Caesar under Hadrianus 136 - 138
Following his father's death adopted as heir, together with Marcus Aurelius, by the new Empreror Antoninus Pius 138-161
161-169 Lucius Verus co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius 161-180