mgcoins database  Nicomedia AD 348-350 AE centenionalis 4.86 g 2.03 cm 2.05 cm 7h
obverse: hd Constans l diademed, holding globe D N CONSTANS P F AVG reverse: soldier stg r leading young barbarian from hut beneath tree (to Christianity?) FEL TEMP REPARATIO, SMN A or Δ (RCV '88 3976), RIC VIII p.476, 70 ING Bank List 43 2120 Sept 1993
Constans (Flavius Julius Constans) c 320, 337-350 3rd son Constantinus I the Great and Fausta 316, 337-340 Constantinus II Brittania, Gallia, Hispania, part Mauretania 317, 337-361 Constantius II the East 320, 317-326 Constans Italy, Africa and the Balkans 339 Constans surrendered Thrace and Constantinople to Constantius II 340 Constatinus II invaded Italy, killed in an ambush near Aquikeia Constans master of the Western half of the Empire campaigned against the barbarians with considerable success 350 Magnentius usorpator Augustodunum (Autun). Legions joined the revolt Constans on hunting in Gaul fled in the direction of Spain, but was murdered at the foot of the Pyrenees