mgcoins database

Sybaris 550-510 BC AR obol 0.38 g 0.98 cm 0.84 cm 2h

obverse: bull l hd turned back VM in ex
reverse: large MV, 4 pellets
Rutter HNI 1739
Munthandel G. Henzen list 253 (May 2013) 12 

Because of the weight Henzen decribes this coin as a hemiobol.
The range of the published obols are 0.39- 0.45 6
stater 8.00 g
third (drachm) 2.67 g
obol 1/6 drachm 0.44 g
Rutter: Pellets on these obols (the reverse) arranged either at the four corners,
or one above and three below.