mgcoins database  Mysia - Pergamon 282-133 BC AE AE14 3.56 g 1.42 cm 1.44 cm 12h
obverse: hd Athena r wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with griffin reverse: coiled serpent r ΦIΛETAIPOY Sear GCV II 7228 Munthandel G. Henzen list 201 (July 2009) 145.
Philetairos is the name of the dynasty's founder
Regal Bronze Coinage of Pergamon 282-133 BC,
these are all inscribed with the name of the Attalid dynasty's founder Philetairos,
and firm attributions to particular reigns are nor yet possible. (GCV 2 1979 p 678)
Pergamene Kingdom
282-263 BC Philetairos
263-241 BC Eumenes I
241-197 BC Attalos I Soter
197-159 BC Eumenes II
159-138 BC Attalos II Philadelphus
138-133 BC Attalos III Philometor bequeathed his kingdom to Rome
(Pergamon capital of the Roman province of Asia)
-130 BC Aristonikos (Eumenes III) usurper