mgcoins database

Syracuse 278-276 BC AE AE21 9.42 g 2.1 cm 2.1 cm

obverse: hd young Herakles l in lion-skin
reverse: Athena Promachos stg r with shield and throwing thunderbolt. Owl in left field (if any) σ YPAKOΣIΩN
Calciati CNS 178, Hoover HCS 1451
Munthandel G. Henzen March 1997 

hd Herakles l.

C 175, Obv. SYPAKOSION,        ; Rev. -         , symbols
C 176, Obv. -         ,        ; Rev. SYPAKOSION, - 
C 177, Obv. SYPAKOSION, symbols; Rev. -         , symbols (this coin trident)
C 178, Obv. -                  ; Rev. SYPAKOSION, owl
C 179, Barbarous imitations, Obv. -; Rev. -           
C 180, Overstrike on C 142   (hd Artemis/thunderbolt)           
C 181, Overstrike on C 150-1 (hd Heracles/lion with club above)

hd Herakles r.
C 182, Obv. -         ,        ; Rev. SYPAKOSION, -
C 182A Overstrike hd Kore r./Athena Promachos r. 
C 183, Overstrike on Calc. 142   (hd Artemis/thunderbolt)