mgcoins database

Mamertinoi 220-200 BC AE pentonkion 9.17 g 2.59 cm 2.59 cm

obverse: hd Zeus r club behind
reverse: warrior charging r with shield and spear MAMEPTINΩN, Π
Sarstrom XV A & XVI A, Hoover HCS 843
Munthandel G. Henzen list October 1993 9 vw 786, 18 euro

C Common
pentachalkon (Hoover)

Sarstrom Series XV Group A
269-272 thunderbolt behind / TP monogram in r field, Π in l field

Sarstrom Series XVI Groep A Type
303-356 symbol behind /Π in r field
a 303-319      no symbol  / Π
b 320-337      club       / Π  (this coin)
c 338-343      spear-head / Π
d 344-347      star       / Π
e 348-351,354  crescent   / Π
e 352-353      crescent   / - 
f 355-356      cornucopiae/ Π
g 357-364      pentagram  / Π