mgcoins database

Kainon 360-340 BC AE AE20 6.6 g 1.97 cm 1.97 cm

obverse: griffin flying l
reverse: horse prancing l KAINON in exergue
Calciati CNS I 1-19, Hoover HCS 509
Munthandel G. Henzen list September 1993 5 vw 243, 39 euro

C Common. In the past often attributed to Alaisa.

Calciati CNS I p249-258 1-25 (all varieties)

1 griffin running l, wings spread; exergue-line cord-shaped. Good style / horse prancing l, loose reins. In exergue KAINON
2 coarser style
3 smaller griffin                    / smaller horse
4                                    / horse-tail is plume-shaped
5                                    / horse’s ears are pronounced
6 OS
7 CT
8 griffin’s body prolonged downwards /

  grasshopper below                  / star of 8 rays above

9 exergue line                       /
10                                   /
11                                   / horse stylized (coinage often imperfect with large fractures) 
12 CT                                / (thick flan with pronounced tangs)
13                                   / large star, horse’s body and tail pronounced
14 scarse engraving poor final appearance. Normally restruck
15 CT
16 CT forepart griffin always off flan
17 OS
18 OS
19 OS
                                   / horse r with griffin-like hd

20                                 / no reins
21                                 /
22 OS                              /
23 OS griffin r                    /           
24 OS-CM griffin l Countermark below  (hippocamp?) /

25 BI Barbarous copy Pegasus l    / griffin l