mgcoins database

Carthago (among others) 400-350 BC AE unit 6.69 g 1.76 cm 1.76 cm

obverse: hd female ? l wreathed with grain
reverse: horse prancing r
S 6444, Alexandropoulos 15, Sassari 56-136, Hoover 1668, CNS III p375-
Holleman munten lijst 91 (1992) 7 vw 192, 39 euro

Common Carthage ? 375-350 BC (Hoover)
Siculo-Punic coin, 370/60-340/25 BC

Obv. head of Trittolemo?
Rev. horse prancing or galloping

Alexandropoulos (2000) unit Carthago and other mints  400-350 BC 
         globular flan                      conical flan
unit     15 (SNG   96)  14-21 mm  5.5 g     15a (SNG   97)  14-21 mm  5.5 g
1/2-unit 16                                 16a (SNG   98)  13    mm  1.6 g
1/4-unit 17 (Bardo 33)  10-11 mm  1.2 g     17a (Bardo 29)  10-11 mm  1.3 g

Candellieri (1989) distinguishes on account of flan and weight three different emissions:
  I globular flan           5.610 g
 II globular flan           4.852 g    
III truncated conical flan  3.736 g

Calciati (1987) distinguishes also galloping and prancing horses
          horse galloping                     horse prancing 

GROUP   I globular flan              GROUP II globular flan
class   I large head,   5-7 g        class  I large head, 5-7 g
class  II smaller head               class II smaller head

GROUP III flan with rounded edges   GROUP  IV flan with rounded edges

GROUP   V truncated conical flan    GROUP  VI truncated conical flan

On account of weights alone only one very broad weight class can be distinguished (4.69±0.90 n=396, see Fig. below).