mgcoins database

Rome AD 248 AR antoninianus 4.75 g 2.33 cm 2.3 cm 11h

obverse: hd Philippus I r radiated, draped IMP PHILIPPVS AVG
reverse: cippus (column) inscribed COS III SAECVLARES AVGG
RCV III 8961, C 193, RIC 24c
Krasnapolsky Amsterdam, 16 Apr 1978 vw 32, 44 euro

Marcus Julius Philippus c 204 (Arabia) 244-249 (killed in the battle at Verona)
244 The young Gordianus III deposed by the army and put to death.
Philippus proclaimed emperor in his place.
249 His general Decius was send to Moesia. Was proclaimed emperor by the army.
Marched on Italy and met Philip in battle at Verona
Philip and his son were both killed.

Commemorating the celebration in AD 248 of the thousadth anniversary of Rome's founding.