mgcoins database

Rome AD 278-280 billon antoninianus 4.21 g 2.31 cm 2.31 cm 6h

obverse: hd Probus r radiate cuirassed IMP PROBVS AVG
reverse: Probus on horseback l r hand raised, holding sceptre in l. Captive seated in front ADVENTVS AVG. in ex R crescent Z
(RCV III 11953), RIC V-2 157, Cohen 37 (
Delft 34e oude kunst- en antiekbeurs (30 Oc 1982 ). Jacques Schulman BV List 223 (Oct 1982) 175 vw 81, 79 euro

Marcus Aurelius Probus c 232 (Sirmium - Illyria, Sremska Mitrovica - Servia) 276-282 (killed by soldiers near Sirmium)
276 After the death of Tacitus proclaimed emperor by his troops in Syria and Egypt.
Florianus half-brother of Tacitus assumed the imperial power supported by his army and the majority of the provinces.
Confrontation in Asia Minor. Florianus was murdered.
282 Killed by soldiers near Sirmium.

RCV III 11953 Obv cuir. bust l, rad. helmeted, holding spear and shield
This coin Obv rad cuir bust r