mgcoins database

Cyzicus AD 348-361 AE AE3 1.73 g 1.68 cm 1.68 cm 6h

obverse: hd Constantius II r diademed, draped and cuirassed D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG
reverse: soldier spearing fallen horseman FEL TEMP REPARATIO, in ex SMK
(RCV '88 40010)
Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam 20 Febr 1983 vw 101, 1 euro

Constantius II 317 (Caesar 324-337) 337-361 Mopsucrene Cilicia (south coastal region of Asia Minor)
2nd son Constantinus I (the Great) and Fausta.
After the death of his father:
Constantius II eastern territories from Asia minor to Cyrenaica , and two years later (339) he also acquired Thrace and Constantinople.
350 After the death of Constans he marched against Magnentius (Western usorpator 350-353)
359 War with Persia
360 His cousin Julianus proclaimed Augustus at Paris by his troops.
361 Marching to the West attacked by fever and died at Mopsucrene Cilicia (south coastal region of Asia Minor)