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Rome AD 216 AR antoninianus 5.45 g 2.21 cm 2.21 cm 11h

obverse: hd Caracalla r radiate, draped ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM
reverse: Serapis stg l wearing polos on head, raising right hand and holding transverse sceptre in P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P
RIC IV Caracalla 280D or E
Holleman Munten List 53, 152 May 1983 vw 117, 120 euro

(Lucius?) Septimius Bassianus later Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 4 April 188 (Lugdunum) 198-217
Prepared to attack the Parthian Empire but was killed between Edessa and Carrhae in Mesopotamia (8 April 217)

RIC 280D obv radiate, draped
RIC 280E obv radiate, draped and cuirassed