mgcoins database

Rome AD 226 AR denarius 2.82 g 1.89 cm 1.89 cm 12h

obverse: hd Julia Mamaea r draped IVLIA MAMAEA AVG
reverse: Vesta srg l holding Palladium VESTA
RCV II 8217, RSC 81, RIC 360
Schulman Auction 278, 1717*. 23 February 1984. vw 124, 68 euro

Julia Avita Mamaea (younger daughter of Julia Maesa and Julius Avitus. The elder daughter Julia Soaemias)
Mother of Severus Alexander 208/9 222-235
222-235 Julia Mamaea Augusta
235 more political power after the death of her mother Julia Maesa
231 Alexander could not distinct himself against the Sassanid Persians also not on the Rhine frontier
235 after a peace with the barbarians Maximinus proclaimed emperor by the army
Julia Mamaea and Alexander murdered in camp

Schulman 1984 Auction 278 1615-1802: Hoard of Roman denarii and antoniniani Bocholtz - The Netherlands