mgcoins database

Nicomedia AD 324-325 billon centenionalis 3.47 g 1.87 cm 1.87 cm 12h

obverse: hd Constantinus r wearing triple-rowed perl diadem CONSTANTINVS AVG
reverse: gateway of military camp, two turreted , star above PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, SMNA
RCV IV 116257 var, C 454
Kunst en Antiekbeurs Delft 21 Oct 1984. Schulman list 228 259 vw 138, 34 euro

Constantine the Great (Flavius Valerius Constantinus) c 280 (Naissus - Moesia, now Nis, Serbia] 307-337
337 Died in Ancyrona, near Nicomedia - Bithynia, now Izmit -Turkey

RCV IV 116257 laureate, here triple-rowed pearl diadem