mgcoins database

Antioch AD 336-337 billon reduced centenionalis 1.5 g 1.56 cm 1.56 cm 6h

obverse: hd Constantinus r diademed CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG
reverse: two soldiers stg facing each other, resting on spear and shield, standard between them GLORIA EXERCITVS, SMANA
RCV IV 16374
Kunst en Antiekbeurs Delft 21 Oct 1984. Schulman list 228 260 vw 139, 34 euro

Constantine the Great (Flavius Valerius Constantinus) c 280 (Naissus - Moesia, now Nis, Serbia] 307-337
337 Died in Ancyrona, near Nicomedia - Bithynia, now Izmit -Turkey