mgcoins database

Rome AD 204 AR denarius 3.35 g 1.77 cm 1.79 cm 6h

obverse: hd Caracalla r laureate, draped and cuirassed ANTONINVS PIVS AVG
reverse: Victory advancing l holding wreath and palm VICT PART MAX
RCV II 6895, RIC 144b, RSC 658
Holleman Munten List 60 *150, 9 Nov 1984 vw 141, 70 euro

(Lucius?) Septimius Bassianus later Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 4 April 188 (Lugdunum) 198-217
Prepared to attack the Parthian Empire but was killed between Edessa and Carrhae in Mesopotamia (8 April 217)