mgcoins database  Rome AD 217-218 AR denarius 2.96 g 1.97 cm 1.97 cm 12h
obverse: hd Macrinus r long bearded, laureate, cuirassed IMP CM OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG reverse: Securitas stg l draped, legs crossed, holding sceptre in right hand and resting left arm on SECVRITAS TEMPORVM RIC IV Macrinus 92b Holleman Munten List 60 *155, 9 Nov 1984 vw 142, 147 euro
Marcus Apelius Severus Macrinus 164 (Caesarea - Mauretania) 217-218 Defeated by the Persians Peace unfavourable to the Romans. Dimmed his popularity. Open revolt by the Syrian army Macrinus defeated, fled to Chalcedon but was captured and slain, together with his young son Diadumenian.
The portrait with the longer beard and looking older, probably the true portrait. BMC attributes these to the Antioch mint.