mgcoins database

Rome AD 267-268 billon antoninianus 3.75 g 2.08 cm 2.11 cm 6h

obverse: hd Gallienus r radiate GALLIENVS AVG
reverse: antelope stg l DIANAE CONS AVG, in ex XII
RCV III 10200, RSC 165
Schulman Auction 282 lot 2925 (1/12) Nov 1985 vw 154, 7 euro

Publius Licimius Egnatius Gallienus c 218 253-268
(assassinated while besieging Aureolus (usorpator in name of Postumus) in Milan
by staff officers including Claudius II and Aurelianus)
Son of Valerianus c 195 253-260 and Mariniana

Uncertain Syrian mint
Cologne 257-60
Rome or Siscia
Uncertain Asia Minor mint 268
Viminacium, Moesia Superior
Eastern field-mint 257
Sirmium? Pannonia
Rome and/or Antioch

Decline fineness of the alloy
260 15%
266 5%
270 2.5%