mgcoins database

Rome AD 209 AR denarius 3.42 g 1.77 cm 1.77 cm 6h

obverse: hd Julia Domna r draped IVLIA AVGVSTA
reverse: Juno stg l holding patera and sceptre, peacock at feet IVNO
RCV II 6588, RIC 559, RSC 82
Schulman vw 177, 27 euro

Julia Domna c 170 (Emesa, Homs-Syria)- 217 (Antiochia)
Daughter of Julius Bassianus , high priest of the Emesan sun-god Elah-Gabal
Domna Latin equivalent of the Aramaic Martha meaning 'wife of a king'
188 married Septimius Severus
188 Caracalla born
189 Geta born
194 Augusta and coinage in her name