mgcoins database

Antioch AD 313 billon follis 4.28 g 2.03 cm 2.04 cm 12h

obverse: hd Maximinus II r laureate IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS P F AVG
reverse: Hercules stg r leaning on club wrapped in lion's skin HERCVLI VICTORI, I, ANT
RCV IV 14860C, RIC VI p 644, 170b
ING Bank List 43 2057 Sept 1993 vw 239, 16 euro

Maximinus II (Daia, Galerius Valerius Maximinus) c 270 (Illyricum) 310-313
305 Eastern Caesar under Galerius his uncle
No promotion after the death of two western Augusti, Constantius I (305-306) and Severus II (306-307)
With the appointment of Galerius' friend Licinius (308-324) both Maximinus II as Constantinus I the Great were not promoted
311 Galerius died, Maximinus II added Asia minor to his territoty, Licinius Thrace
313 Maximinus invaded Thrace but was defeated, escaped but died in Cilicia