mgcoins database  Uncertain Syrian mint AD 260-261 billon antoninianus 4.79 g 2.13 cm 2.22 cm 1h
obverse: hd Quietus r draped IMP C FVL QVIETVS P F AVG reverse: Apollo stg l holding laurel-branch and resting on lyre APOLINI CONSERVA RCV III 10819 Munthandel G Henzen List Sept 1993 186 vw 245, 147 euro
Titus Fulvius Junius Quietus 260-261 Younger son Macrianus, the officer who took control of the Roman army in the East after the capture of Valerianus by the Sasanid Persians Quietus and his elder brother were both proclaimed emperors by their father, who was lame. After consolidating their power in Syria, Egypt and Asia minor, the Macriani went West to challenge Gallienus, but were defeated and slain in the Balkans. Quietus was left with weakened forces in the East. Quietus besieged by Odaenathus, ruler of the desert city of Palmyra (Tadmor) and acting as Gallienus' lieutenant. Quietus murdered by the Emesan citizens.