mgcoins database

Rome AD 151-157 AE as/dupondius 10.15 g 2.6 cm 2.61 cm 6h

obverse: hd Faustina r draped DIVA FAVSTINA
reverse: Juno stg l holding raising r hand and holding sceptre AETERNITAS, S C
RCV II 4636
Munthandel G Henzen List July 1994, 119 vw 262, 86 euro

Faustina Senior wife Antoninus Pius deified
141 Faustina died
147 the younger Faustina (her daughter elevated to the rank Augusta
from here the posthumous coinage of her mother without this title on the obverse
151/2 10th anniversarie of the empress's death
156/7 15th anniversary and the dedication of her temple