mgcoins database

Akragas 287-282 BC AE AE20 7.83 g 2.07 cm 2.02 cm 8h

obverse: hd Zeus Hellanios r beardless and laureated Δ behind
reverse: 2 eagles stg l on hare, one hd up, the one behind hd down
Calciati CNS I p211 no. 125, Hoover HCS 159
Jean Elsen & ses Fils List 260 no. 8 (11 May 2012) vw 793, 75 euro

C Common

278-276 BC
Calciati 124 hd Zeus Ellanios r / 2 eagles l on hare B. Leu N. 79 6.61 g

275-240 BC
Calciati 125-141 hd Apollo / 2 eagles on hare

group I  hd r./two eagles l.

Calciati 125-129   class 1 blank with rounded edges

10.20 g   pc C
 9.05 g   Elsen 54 90     rev H in field r.
 7.84 g   Elsen 54 91     obv D behind hd
 6.67 g   Triton V 136

Calciati 130-133   class 2 blank with conical section

C130-132  r/l  5.54 g   Zilverberg 02 1994 a

C133 r/r 

Calciati 134-135   class 3 smaller blank with rounded edges and lighter weight 3.45-5.40 g 

broup II hd l./two eagles l.

Calciati 136-137   class 1 blank with rounded edges
Calciati 138-139   class 2 blank with conical and chipped rims
Calciati 140-141   class 3 smaller blank with rounded edges and lighter weight 4.61-6.87 g