mgcoins database

Carthago or Italy 220-215 BC AE 3-shekels 17.65 g 3.13 cm 3.11 cm 12h

obverse: hd Tanit
reverse: horse stg r palm tree behind monogram with Punic letters s t
Alexandropoulos p. 383 no. 84b
Munthandel G. Henzen list 242 (August 2012) no. 300 vw 802, 145 euro

Alexandropoulos (2000) 84 Carthage 220-215 BC
Manfredi (1995) Carthage (M 155 and M 156) and Italy (SNG Milano XIV 101 and Cop 340).
SNG Sassari I (1994) 811-813 Italia? 221-202 BC
SNG Milano XIV (1989) 100-104 Italia 221-202 BC
Jenkins (1984 and 1987) Carthage
Jenkins, SNG Cop (1969) Carthage or Italy
Jenkins-Lewis (1963) Carthage?