mgcoins database

Mysia - Pergamon 282-133 BC AE AE14 3.56 g 1.42 cm 1.44 cm 12h

obverse: hd Athena r wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with griffin
reverse: coiled serpent r ΦIΛETAIPOY
Sear GCV II 7228
Munthandel G. Henzen list 201 (July 2009) 145. vw 693, 50 euro

Philetairos is the name of the dynasty's founder

Regal Bronze Coinage of Pergamon 282-133 BC,
these are all inscribed with the name of the Attalid dynasty's founder Philetairos,
and firm attributions to particular reigns are nor yet possible. (GCV 2 1979 p 678)

Pergamene Kingdom

282-263 BC Philetairos
263-241 BC Eumenes I
241-197 BC Attalos I Soter
197-159 BC Eumenes II
159-138 BC Attalos II Philadelphus
138-133 BC Attalos III Philometor bequeathed his kingdom to Rome
(Pergamon capital of the Roman province of Asia)

-130 BC Aristonikos (Eumenes III) usurper