mgcoins database

Moesia Inferior - Marcianopolis AD 198-217 AE 5-assaria 13.39 g 2.68 cm 2.64 cm 5h

obverse: hds Caracalla and Julia Domna ANTΩNINOC AVTOVCTOC IOVΛIA ΔOMNA
reverse: tempel in which Asklepios VP KVNTIΛIANOV MAPKIANOΠOΛITΩN, ε
vgl GIC 2707 (with Zeus in tempel)
Munthandel G. Henzen list 152 (Sept 2004) 324 vw 543, 75 euro

Julia Domna mother Caracalla (188) and Geta (189), wife of Septimius Severus 193-211.
Committed suicide in 217 after Caracalla's death and Macrinus proclamation as emperor.