mgcoins database

Akragas 425-410 BC AE hexas 5.12 g 1.85 cm 1.85 cm

obverse: eagle stg r on hare AKPA
reverse: crab two fishes r below, 2 pellets
CNS I, p188 71, Hoover HCS 144
Munthandel G. Henzen 2001 list 123 25 vw 672, 64 euro

GROUP Ieagle r(Calc. 63-77) prey
C 63 /717.45 gTriton V 130 bird /2 fishes r. upward, 2p at both sides above the legs
C 64 bird /2 fishes l. upward
C 65serpent/big fish (epinephelus) r.
C 66serpent/2 fishes r. upward
C 67hare / fish r., vine leaf between claws, fish r.
C 68hare / fish r., 2p below
C 69hare /2 fishes to r. and to l., A between claws
C 70hare /big fish (epinephelus) l.
C 715.12 gHenzen 123 25 hare? /2 fishes r. upward
C 72fish / fish r.
C 73fish / fish r., 2p below
C 74fish / fish l.
C 757.12 gSchulman 271 2789 fish /2 fishes to r. and to l.
C 766.84 gElsen 56 97 fish /2 fishes r. upward
C 77fish /2 fishes l. upward
GROUP IIeagle l (Calc. 78-80)
C 78hare /2 fishes r., 2p at both sides above the legs
C 79fish /2 fishes r.
C 80hare? / fish, 2p below