mgcoins database

Akragas AD 450 AE cast AE16 9.1 g 2.05 cm 2.29 cm 4h

obverse: eagle stg l AK
reverse: crab
Calciati CNS I p147 9
Munthandel G. Henzen Sept 2002. vw 715, 0 euro

This is the only member of the second cast series.
Westermark (1979, p 5) lists 10 exemplars. Calciati I lists 3 more.
The flan is truncated-conical. The metal is poor, the coins were cast in pairs.
The weight is ca. 9 g (Romolo Calciati: Corpus Nummorum Siculorum I 1981).

Westermark proposes the possibility that the heavy onkia (Calciati 8) may be associated
with this round "hexas" and "... that these two coins form a separate group based on a heavier
standard of ca 54 g independent of the cone shaped coins of a somewhat lighter weight (litra ca 45 g)."
(Ulla Westermark: The Fifth Century Bronze Coinage of Akragas in
Atti del VI Convegno del Centro Internazionale di Studi Numismatici - Napoli 17-22 Aprile 1977, pp 3-25)

.... g Berlin
10.24 g C 9 pc
8.65 g C 9/1 pc
9.02 g C 9/2 SNG America 1021
7.70 g C 9/3 pc
8.3 g Circolo Numismatico Ticinese 1995 43
9.33 g NAC 13 255
9.10 g Henzen Sept. 2002