mgcoins database Mamertinoi 220-200 BC AE pentonkion 11.57 g 2.59 cm 2.59 cm
obverse: hd Ares l helmet behind reverse: man leading horse l Π MAMEPTINΩN Sarstrom XI A, HCS Hoover 849 Munthandel G. Henzen list 191 (2008) 37. vw 729, 130 euro
Arrangement according to Särström M (1940) Period IV, c. 220-200 BC Series XI Group A Pentonkion 11.40 g 80 specimens (partially devided in Type a-d)
Särström 169-176 Type a 10.69-12.12 9 Särström 177-186 Type b 10.34-12.80 12 Obv. Taenia around the wreath Särström 187-199 Type c 9.20-14.11 16 Obv. Taenia around the wreath, helmet behind Särström 200-208 Type d 10.12-12.94 13 Obv. Taenia around the wreath, sword behind