mgcoins database

Segesta 425-416 BC AR litra ? 0.69 g 0.97 cm 0.97 cm 12h

obverse: hd female r nymph Segesta
reverse: hound r
Hunterian Colection Vol I p214 17, Hoover HCS 1171
Jean Elsen & ses Fils s.a. auction 85 (2005) 39 vw 734, 60 euro

According to Elsen AE bronze, vers 415 av. J.-C. .... Berend 1979, cfr 33 [onkias 2.59 g Collection A 13, 2.09 g ANS 56]
Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, University of Glasgow:
Volume 1. Italy, Sicily, Macedon, Thrace, and Thessaly Author: George MacDonald
a AR litra is described of similar weight and size (Segesta 17 10.2 = 0.65 g AR .45 = 11.4 mm).