mgcoins database

Himera 530-520 BC AR obol 0.7 g 1.18 cm 1.18 cm

obverse: hen stg l
reverse: mill-sail in incuse square
Hoover HCS 427, Kraay 297
s.a. Jean ELSEN 58 (1999) 828 vw 454, 45 euro

according to Elsen litra

Kraay 292-305                                         hen  /...

Group V

Kraay 292a  O18/R14   SNG Cop 297               0.74  hen l, 6 feathers                            /mill-sail anticlockwise; striated  border
Kraay 293a  O19/R14   SNG IV 1014               0.86  hen l, 6 feathers                            /
      293b            McClean 2289              0.87
      293c            McClean 2288              0.86
Kraay 294a  O20/R14   BMC 12                    0.87  hen r, 6 feathers;              linear border/
      294b            Egger 26: 11: 1909, 153   0.90
Kraay 295a  O21/R14   Fiorelli 4413             0.80  hen r, 6 feathers                            /
      295b            AC xii 731                0.84
Kraay 296a  O22/R14   Paris 536                 0.86  hen l, 6 feathers;              linear border/
      296b            BMC II                    0.87
      296c            Himera II 779 630         1.00
      296d            Fiorelli 4412             0.93
Kraay 297a  O23/R14   Berlin                    0.78  hen l, 6 feathers; claw raised; linear border/
      297b            Ward 160                  0.96
      297             Elsen 58 828              0.70  
Kraay 298a  O24/R15   Vienna                    0.95  hen r, 6 feathers;              linear border/mill-sail anticlockwise; linear    border
      298b            Leu 2 (1972) 75           0.91
Kraay 299 a O25/R16   Berlin                    0.73  hen r, 6 feathers;        heavy dotted border/mill-sail     clockwise; striated  border
      299b            Hirsch xxvi 389           0.93
Kraay 300a  O26/R17   McClean 2286              0.99  hen l, 5 feathers;              linear border/mill-sail     clockwise; uncertain border
Kraay 301a  O27/R18   Berlin                    0.85  hen r, 5 feathers;              dotted border/mill-sail     clockwise; linear    border
Kraay 302a  O28/R19   Copenhagen (acq. 1961)    0.73  hen r, 5 feathers;                           /mill-sail     clockwise; striated  border
Kraay 303a  O29/R20   Palermo                   0.78  hen r, 5 feathers from single stem;          /mill-sail anticlockwise; linear    border
      303?            Holleman 117 8            0.67   
Kraay 304a  O30/R21   SNG Evelpidis 495         0.57  hen r                                        /mill-sail     clockwise; linear    border
Kraay 305a  O31/R22   Berlin                    0.92  hen r, 6 feathers;              dotted border/linear 'Union Jack' pattern with striated border

Kraay 274-287                                         cock/...

Group II

Kraay 274a  O 1/R 1   BMC 10                    0.76  cock r; position of claws & border uncertain /mill-sail     clockwise; linear    border
      274b            Berlin                    0.77
Kraay 275a  O 2/R 2   Brussels                  0.67  cock r; position of claws & border uncertain /mill-sail     clockwise; striated  border
      275b            Berlin                    0.72
Kraay 276a  O 3/R 3   Berlin                    0.70  cock r; position of claws & border uncertain /mill-sail anticlockwise; striated  border

Group IV

Kraay 277a  O 4/R 4   H. Weber 1344             0.78  cock l; claw raised; linear border           /mill-sail     clockwise; striated  border
Kraay 278a  O 5/R 4   SNG V 1757, SNG III 781   0.82  cock r; claw raised; linear border           /
      278b            Himera II 755 408         0.57  similar but dies apparently different
Kraay 279a  O 6/R 4   Berlin                    0.82  cock l; claw raised; VV; widely dotted border/
      279b            Syracuse                  ....
      279c            MMAG 53 (1977) 20, pc     0.55                                               /probably different die
      ...             Sotheby Oct 1993 203      0.96  hen  l; claw raised; VV; linear border       /mill-sail anticlockwise; striated  border 
Kraay 280a  O 7/R 5   McClean 2290              0.84  cock r; claw raised; linear border           /mill-sail     clockwise; linear    border
Kraay 281a  O 8/R 6   BMC 9                     0.78  cock l; claw raised; dotted border           /mill-sail     clockwise; linear    border
Kraay 282a  O 9/R 7   Palermo                   0.88  cock l; claw raised; dotted wing & border    /mill-sail     clockwise; striated  border 
Kraay 283a  O10/R 8   BM                        0.92  cock l; claw raised; dotted wing; lin border /mill-sail     clockwise; striated  border
      283?            Elsen 58 827              0.74  
Kraay 284a  O11/R 8   Berlin                    0.87  cock l;              dotted wing; lin border / 
Kraay 285a  O12/R 8   Den Haag, now Leiden      0.80  cock l;              dotted wing; lin border / 

Group VI 
Kraay 286a  O13/R 9   Imhoof-Blumer 20 28       0.89  cock l; claw raised; V; dotted border        /mill-sail     clockwise; striated  border
      286b            BM                        0.81
Kraay 287a  O14/R 9   McClean 2287              0.86  cock l; claw raised; V; dotted border; later /       

Kraay 288-291                                         late cock/...

Uncertain groups, but probably late in the period

Kraay 288a  O15/R10   SNG IV 1013               0.82  squat cock r, claws on ground; dotted border  /mill-sail     clockwise;       linear border
Kraay 289a  O15/R11   SNG Munchen 339           0.59                                                /mill-sail anticlockwise + dot; linear border
Kraay 290a  O16/R12   Berlin                    0.66  cock r; stumpy tail; SOT; no border visible   /mill-sail anticlockwise + dot; no     border
      290d            Sangiorgi 15: 4: 1326     0.65
      290b            Palermo                   0.60                                                /different die?
      290c            Termini (Gabrici pl iv 7) 0.77                                                /different die?

Group VII?

Kraay 291a  O17/R13   McClean 2293              0.74  cock r; 5 graduated feathers; 2 dots; dotted b/hd female r.
      291b            private collection Swiss  0.90                                                /different die