[city list Area VIII] [info]


433 BC Corinth started to pay barbarian tribes as auxilary troops.
415-413 BC Athenian expedition (134 ships, 32000 men). The immediate cause was the
       quarrel between Segesta (ally of Athena) and Selinous, about the fertile plain
       in between their cities. The cause was the rising power of Syracuse, threatening
       the Chalcidian cities Naxos and Leontinoi (also allies of Athena).
414 BC Athenian army used Etruscan mercenaries (the Tyrrhenoi) against the Syracusians.
       Other mercenaries in the Athenian army were Japigi and Messapi, recruted by the
       Athenians on their way to Sicily.
413 BC Campanian mercenaries, recruted by the Chalcidian cities to reinforce the 
       Athenian army, arrived when the Athenian army was already defeated. In 410 BC 
       they were hired by the Carthaginians.
       Syracuse was temporary weakened by the war, giving Carthago the opportunity to 
       extend their sphere of influence. 

410 BC Carthaginians payed 5000 Lybians. The 800 Campanians were sent as cavalry to 
       help Segesta against Selinous. The Carthaginians were against a too powerful 
       Selinous. If victorious over Segesta they controled a strip land from the south
       coast to the north coast.
409 BC Hannibal gathered more mercenaries in Spain, Baleares and African cities under 
       Carthaginian control. 100,000, according to others 200,000.  
409 BC Selinous sacked by Carthago (and Segesta)
409 BC Himera   ,,     Campanian mercenaries discharged (they settle? in Alaisa on 
                       Carthaginian territory) 
406 BC Akragas  ,,
405 BC Gela     ,,
405 BC Camarina ,,
       Segesta actually became subject to Carthage.

       Aitna revolted against Dionysius. The Campanian mercenaries of Alaisa were 
       hired (1200 man cavalry). They left their goods in Agyrion.
404 BC Aitna captured. Campanian mercenaries discharged and sent to Entelle. It is said
       that they killed the young man and married the women. First example of 
       settlement with violence.
403 BC Katane conquered by Dionysius. Houses granted to the mercenaries. Later they 
       were transferred to Aitna (easier to defend).
402 BC Construction of a new defensive wall around Syracuse with the help of 
399 BC Reinforcement of the Syracusan fleet under Dionysius.
398 BC Payment for mercenaries increased. One bronze drachm a day (daily living 
       allowance) and at the end of the month coins of intrinsic value (a gold daric or 
       cysticenus, equivalent to 20 Attic drachms). 
397 BC Syracusan army composed of Syracusans, other Sicilian Greeks and mercenaries 
       from different countries.
       Motya conquered, sacked and destroyed by Dionysius army.
395 BC War with Carthaginians ended. Revolt of 10,000 mercenaries (Dionysius had 
       dificulties in paying their wages). They were granted with the city and the 
       territory of Leontinoi.
387 BC Dionysius conqueres Rhegion. The wives of the citicens were given to the 

396 BC Carthaginian army reorganized after the defeat of Motya. African and Spanish
       mercenaries. 100,000, according to others 300,000.
       The Carthaginians adopted the same solution for the discharge and settlement of 
       the mercenaries in the areas under their domination. This applies to the cities 
       of Solous, Segesta, Panormos and Entella.

       information from Calciati R (1987)