tetradrachm of Katana, 405 BC ca.
Obv. hd Apollo facing, below truncation APOLLWN, in left field engraver's signature XOIRIWN
Rev. fast quadriga, turning at Ionic column, Nike above crowning the charioteer, in ex. KATANAIWN above prawn
81 (O41/R62) 17.09 g Sotheby's Auction Zürich 26th October 1993 no. 5, 405 BC ca.
1. ..... g Rizzo XIV 13
2. ..... g Jameson 548
3. ..... g Gulbenkian 193
4. ..... g Giesecke Tafel 5 2 Berlin
5. 16.96 g SNG ANS 3 1258
6. 17.09 g Sotheby's Auction Zürich 26th October 1993 no. 4, Numismatic Fine Arts International Inc. Auction XXX (1992) 7,
Bank Leu 52 1991 15, Gillet Collection
See die-coupling signed tetradrachms (Van Wielink Group IV)