triobol of Sybaris, 453-448 BC (Poseidoniate type)
Obv. Poseidon
Rev. bird

1.03 g SNG München 1165
1. Poseidon/bird 10
2. Poseidon/bird within wreath 4
According to Kraay laios, with reference to Laus and
its role in the foundation of Sybaris III (453-448 BC).
A laios is a kind of thrush.
It seems highly probable that the Laaus birds and
the Sybarite birds are the same.
The bird is probably the:
Blue Rock Thrush Petrocichla cyanus
Monticola cyanus
or Monticola solitarius
Dr. George Miles has kindly supplied this identification.
SNG ANS 139-46 of Laus, represent excellent representations of the bird.