mgcoins database

Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Roman Emperors

440-435 AE AE18 5.02 g Thourioi hd Athena r/ bull stg r
343-339 AE AE18 5.07 g Entella Campanian helmet r/ horse r
300-200 AE AE18 5.68 g Thourioi hd Artemis r/ Apollo stg l
300-250 AE AE18 4.15 g Metapontum hd Athena facing/ barley-ear
280-270 AE AE18 6.31 g Thourioi hd Apollo l/ tripod
275-250 AE AE18 5.78 g Neapolis hd Apollo l/ man-hd bull r
275-250 AE AE18 (reduced) litra 5.59 g Neapolis hd Apollo l/ man-hd bull r
265-240 AE AE18 6.14 g Suessa Aurunca hd Hermes l/ Herakles stg r strangling lion
250-200 AE AE18 5.34 g Metapontum hd Demeter r/ 2 barley-ears
240-215 AE AE18 6.2 g Syracuse hd Poseidon l/ trident
229-48 AE AE18 6.8 g Korkyra hd Dionysos r/ kantharos
225-200 AE AE18 5 g Metapontum hd Demeter r/ 2 barley-ears
218-222 AE AE18 3.5 g Thrace - Philippopolis hd Elagabalus r/ tripod
216-216 AE AE18 4.39 g Sardinia hd Tanit l/ bull stg r
216-216 AE AE18 4.35 g Sardinia hd Tanit l/ bull stg r
212-90 AE AE18 6.74 g Syracuse hd Artemis r/ Apollo or Horus stg r
200-100 AE AE18 4.02 g Leontinoi hd Demeter l/ corn-sheaf
189-45 AE AE18 5.34 g Thrace - Maroneia hd Dionysus r/ Dionysos stg l
168-146 AE AE18 5.6 g Thessaly - Ainianes, the hd Zeus l/ Phemios stg l
161-180 AE AE18 3.32 g Phrygia - Akmoneia hd Marcus Aurelius/ Asklepios stg frontally hd l
88-40 AE AE18 4.14 g Phrygia - Akmoneia hd Zeus/ Asklepios stg facing