mgcoins database

Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Roman Emperors

395-408 AE AE2 4.97 g Antioch hd Arcadius r/ emperor stg r
360-340 AE AE23 10.17 g Kainon griffin flying l/ horse prancing l
360-340 AE AE20 6.6 g Kainon griffin flying l / horse prancing l
357-336 AE AE20 5.73 g Sileraioi forepart man-headed bull/ warrior Leucaspis charging r
351-280 AE AE21 7.06 g Rhegion lion-mask/ winged thunderbolthd Apollo l
350-344 AE AE25 11.11 g Enna hd Demeter r wreathed with corn-ears/ hd ox r, barley grain above
350-300 AE AE20 6.78 g Kroton hd Herakles r/ eagle stg r
344-336 AE AE29 29.69 g Kampanoi bull charging l, monogram KA above/ star 16 rays
343-339 AE AE20 6.77 g Entella Campanian helmet r/ Pegasus r
338-317 AE AE22 7.55 g Akragas hd Zeus Soter r/ eagle stg r
305-295 AE AE22 10.11 g Syracuse hd Athena r/ Pegasus l
300-200 AE AE20 6.05 g Tauromenion hd Apollo r/ bull charging l
300-264 AE AE20 4.8 g Carthago (among others ?) hd Tanit l/ hd horse r
300-264 AE AE20 4.08 g Carthago (among others) hd Tanit l/ hd horse r
295-289 AE AE21 8.46 g Syracuse hd Artemis Soteira r/ thunderbolt
295-289 AE AE21 7.14 g Syracuse hd Artemis r/ winged thunderbolt
295-289 AE AE23 6.92 g Syracuse hd Artemis Soteira r/ winged thunderbolt
290-270 AE AE28 14.79 g Lokroi hd Athena r/ Persephone seated l
289-287 AE AE21 9.39 g Syracuse hd Herakles l/ lion stg l
289-287 AE AE23 9.22 g Syracuse hd Herakles r/ lion advancing r
289-287 AE AE21 8.76 g Syracuse hd Artemis r/ winged thunderbolt
288-278 AE AE20 0 g Lokroi hd Persephone l/ Athena stg l
287-278 AE AE22 10.4 g Syracuse hd Zeus Hellanios l/ eagle stg l
287-278 AE AE22 8.7 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ biga r
287-278 AE AE20 8.47 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ biga r
287-278 AE AE22 8.15 g Syracuse hd Zeus Hellanios l/ eagle stg l
287-282 AE AE20 7.83 g Akragas hd Zeus Hellanios r/ 2 eagles stg l
287-278 AE AE22 7.74 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ biga r
287-279 AE AE20 6.48 g Akragas hd Artemis l/ boar l
287-282 AE AE21 5.54 g Akragas hd Zeus Hellanios r/ 2 eagles stg l
282-278 AE AE20 7.19 g Akragas hd Akragas l/ boar stg l
278-276 AE AE22 10.91 g Syracuse hd young Herakles l/ Athena Promachos stg r
278-276 AE AE23 10.3 g Syracuse hd young Herakles l/ Athena Promachos stg r
278-276 AE AE21 9.42 g Syracuse hd young Herakles l/ Athena Promachos stg r
275-250 AE AE21 8.54 g Salapia horse stg r/ dolphin r
275-250 AE AE22 5.93 g Neapolis hd Apollo l/ man-hd bull r
275-265 AE AE20 5.79 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ bull charging l
269-240 AE AE22 11.23 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ Pegasos
265-240 AE AE20 0 g Suessa Aurunca hd Minerva l/ cock stg r
265-240 AE AE20 0 g Suessa Aurunca hd Apollo l/ man-hd bull r
249-251 AE AE28 14.93 g Samaria - Saesarea hd Trajanus Decius r/ horned altar
247-249 AE AE26 13.2 g Thrace - Mesembria hds Philippus II caesar and Sarapis/ Hygieia stg r feeding snake
240-215 AE AE27 18.4 g Syracuse hd Hieron II l/ horseman r
240-215 AE AE27 16.66 g Syracuse hd Hieron II l/ horseman r
240-215 AE AE27 16.55 g Syracuse hd Hieron II l/ horseman r
240-215 AE AE26 15.94 g Syracuse hd Hieron II l/ horseman r
240-215 AE AE20 7.43 g Syracuse hd Poseidon l/ trident
240-212 AE AE23 7.3 g Akragas hd Apollo r/ warrior charging  r
240-212 AE AE21 6.38 g Akragas hd Persephone r/ Asklepios stg facing
238-244 AE AE27 10.25 g Thrace - Anchialus hds Gordianus and Tranquillina/ Hygieia stg r
234-228 AE AE20 9.9 g Gades hd Tanit l/ hd horse r
229-48 AE AE22 7.5 g Korkyra hd Herakles r/ prow of galley r
225-200 AE AE20 7.64 g Nuceria hd Apollo r/ horse stg l
221-210 AE AE22 7.64 g Italy hd Tanit l/ horse stg r
221-210 AE AE21 5.59 g Carthago hd Tanit l/ horse r
215-205 AE AE27 10.07 g Italy hd Tanit l/ hd horse r, Punic letter G in front
215-214 AE AE22 8.6 g Syracuse hd Hieronymos l/ winged thunderbolt
215-205 AE AE23 6.6 g Italy hd Tanit-Demeter l/ horse stg r
214-212 AE AE23 10.21 g Syracuse hd Apollo l/ Dioscuri on horseback r
211-0 AE AE21 6.93 g Hispani hd Athena l Cor helmet, ram's hd above/ horseman r holding spear
210-190 AE AE26 0 g Panormos hd Ares r/ female stg l
200-0 AE AE21 8.19 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Asklepios r/ eagle l
200-100 AE AE21 6.56 g Panormos ram stg r over Janiform hd/ eagle stg r
200-200 AE AE20 4.4 g Illyria - Issa hd Herakles r/ kantharos
185-160 AE AE20 11.13 g Taxila elephant stg r/ lion stg l
185-160 AE AE20 11.04 g Taxila elephant stg r/ lion stg l
185-149 AE AE22 5.91 g Bithynian Kingdom hd Dionysos r wreathed with ivy/ centaur Cheiron stg r playing lyre
185-149 AE AE22 5.48 g Bithynian Kingdom hd Dionysus r/ Cheiron stg r
120-80 AE AE22 10.73 g Syracuse hd Zeus l/ biga r
120-80 AE AE22 7.79 g Syracuse hd Ares r/ Nike stg facing
120-80 AE AE21 6.6 g Syracuse hd Ares r/ Nike stg facing
111-112 AE AE24 12.31 g Judaea - Ascalon hd Trajanus r/ city-goddess stg l
110-90 AE AE23 6.31 g Panormos hd Zeus l/ warrior stg l
110-90 AE AE22 6.1 g Panormos hd Zeus l/ warrior stg l
110-90 AE AE21 4.55 g Panormos hd Zeus l/ warrior stg l
100-0 AE AE20 6.76 g Syracuse hd Persephone r/ Demeter stg l
100-100 AE AE20 6.75 g Pontos - Amisos aegis / Nike advancing r
98-117 AE AE22 8.11 g Galilaea - Sepphoris hd Trajanus r/ palm-tree
95-44 AE AE20 6.13 g Alaisa Archonidea hd Apollo r/ Apollo stg l
95-44 AE AE20 5 g Alaisa Archonidea hd Apollo r/ Apollo stg l
94-93 AE AE21 8.58 g Arados hd Astarte r/ bull l