mgcoins database

Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Roman Emperors

338-317 AE AE22 7.55 g Akragas hd Zeus Soter r/ eagle stg r
305-295 AE AE22 10.11 g Syracuse hd Athena r/ Pegasus l
287-278 AE AE22 10.4 g Syracuse hd Zeus Hellanios l/ eagle stg l
287-278 AE AE22 8.7 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ biga r
287-278 AE AE22 8.15 g Syracuse hd Zeus Hellanios l/ eagle stg l
287-278 AE AE22 7.74 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ biga r
278-276 AE AE22 10.91 g Syracuse hd young Herakles l/ Athena Promachos stg r
275-250 AE AE22 5.93 g Neapolis hd Apollo l/ man-hd bull r
269-240 AE AE22 11.23 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ Pegasos
229-48 AE AE22 7.5 g Korkyra hd Herakles r/ prow of galley r
221-210 AE AE22 7.64 g Italy hd Tanit l/ horse stg r
215-214 AE AE22 8.6 g Syracuse hd Hieronymos l/ winged thunderbolt
185-149 AE AE22 5.91 g Bithynian Kingdom hd Dionysos r wreathed with ivy/ centaur Cheiron stg r playing lyre
185-149 AE AE22 5.48 g Bithynian Kingdom hd Dionysus r/ Cheiron stg r
120-80 AE AE22 10.73 g Syracuse hd Zeus l/ biga r
120-80 AE AE22 7.79 g Syracuse hd Ares r/ Nike stg facing
110-90 AE AE22 6.1 g Panormos hd Zeus l/ warrior stg l
98-117 AE AE22 8.11 g Galilaea - Sepphoris hd Trajanus r/ palm-tree