mgcoins database

Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Roman Emperors

350-300 AR hemidrachm 2.3 g Mysia - Parion bull stg l/ Gorgon facing
282-133 AE AE15 3.83 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Athena r / coiled serpent r
282-133 AE AE14 3.56 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Athena r/ coiled serpent r
282-133 AE AE16 3.41 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Athena r/ coiled serpent r
200-0 AE AE21 8.19 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Asklepios r/ eagle l
200-133 AE AE19 7.64 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Asklepios r/ snake coiled round omphalos
200-0 AE AE15 3.21 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Asklepios r/ snake-entwined Asklepian staff
200-0 AE AE14 3.2 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Asklepios r laureate/ snake-entwined Asklepian staff