mgcoins database

Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Roman Emperors

520-500 AR didrachm 8.64 g Selinous celery leaf/ incuse square devided in triangles
515-470 AR trihemiobol 0.68 g Selinous celery leaf/ celery leaf within incuse circle
515-470 AR obol 0.42 g Selinous celery leaf/ celery leaf
450-440 AE cast tetras 8.46 g Selinous hd river-god l/ celery leaf
450-440 AE cast hexas 5.45 g Selinous hd Selinos facing/ celery leaf
450-440 AE cast onkia 3.68 g Selinous kantharos/ celery leaf
435-415 AE cast trias 10.72 g Selinous hd Gorgon facing/ celery leaf
435-415 AE cast pentonkion ? 9.38 g Selinous hd Selinos facing/ krater
417-409 AR litra 0.52 g Selinous nymph seated l/ man-faced bull r
412-409 AE hemilitron 3.55 g Selinous hd Herakles/ quiver and bow
412-409 AE tetras 2.18 g Selinous hd river god r/ quiver and bow