mgcoins database

Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Italy | Sicily | Carthago | Celts | Greece and other | Roman | Greek Imperial
Roman Emperors

550-510 AR drachm 2.31 g Sybaris bull l/ incuse bull r
542-543 AE follis 19.54 g Constantinople hd Justinianus I front/ large M
540-510 AR drachm 2.33 g Metapontum barley-ear/ barley-ear incuse
525-425 AR triobol 1.21 g Kroton tripod/ Pegasus l
525-425 AR triobol 0.88 g Kroton tripod/ Pegasus l
495-478 AR didrachm 8.17 g Akragas eagle stg l/ crab
494-480 AR obol 0.35 g Rhegion lion-mask/ PEC retrograde
480-470 AR litra 0.71 g Taras cockle shell/ wheel
480-470 AR litra 0.62 g Taras cockle shell/ wheel
470-450 AR litra 0.62 g Taras shell/ hd female r
470-450 AR litra 0.57 g Himera hd male r/ Corinthian helmet r
460-450 AR litra 0.55 g Syracuse hd Arethusa r/ octopus
454-404 AR obol 0.64 g Attica - Athenai hd Athena r/ owl stg r
454-404 AR hemiobol 0.28 g Attica - Athenai hd Athena r/ owl stg r
450-0 AE cast trias 16.59 g Akragas eagle stg l/ crab
450-450 AE cast trias 15.8 g Akragas eagle stg l/ crab
450-450 AE cast tetras 11.32 g Akragas hds 2 eagle/ crab
450-450 AE cast AE16 9.1 g Akragas eagle stg l/ crab
450-440 AE cast tetras 8.46 g Selinous hd river-god l/ celery leaf
450-440 AE cast hexas 5.45 g Selinous hd Selinos facing/ celery leaf
450-450 AE cast onkia 4.65 g Akragas hd eagle l/ crab claw r
450-440 AE cast onkia 3.68 g Selinous kantharos/ celery leaf
450-400 AE tetras 3.63 g Messana hd female r/ hare l laurel wreath around
450-400 AE hexas 1.53 g Messana hd young man l/ hare r laurel wreath around
450-457 AE AE4 1.38 g Constantinople hd Marcianus r/ wreath monogram
450-457 AE AE4 1.37 g Constantinople hd Marcianus r/ wreath monogram
450-425 AE onkia 1.09 g Rhegion lion-mask/ RE olive-spray
450-439 AR litra 0.57 g Akragas eagle stg l/ crab
450-400 AR hemiobol 0.3 g Thrace - Apollonia Pontica anchor/ incuse swastika pattern
450-380 AR trias (1/4 litra) 0.19 g Taras shell/ large T
445-435 AR litra 0.67 g Rhegion lion-mask/ RECI within wreath
443-400 AR triobol 1.12 g Thourioi Hd Athena r/ bull l
435-415 AE cast trias 10.72 g Selinous hd Gorgon facing/ celery leaf
435-415 AE cast pentonkion ? 9.38 g Selinous hd Selinos facing/ krater
435-415 AE tetras 3.38 g Syracuse hd Arethusa r/ octopus
435-415 AE tetras 3.3 g Syracuse hd Arethusa r/ octopus
435-415 AE tetras 2.27 g Syracuse hd Arethusa r/ octopus
435-415 AE tetras 2.22 g Syracuse hd female l/ octopus
425-410 AE tetras 8.43 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
425-410 AE tetras 8.19 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
425-410 AE tetras 7.36 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
425-410 AE hexas 7.12 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
425-410 AE hexas 5.12 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
425-405 AE tetras 2.99 g Kamarina hd Gorgon facing/ owl holding lizard r, 3 pellets in ex
420-406 AE hemilitron 21.37 g Akragas eagle stg l/ crab
420-406 AE hemilitron 19.3 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
420-406 AE hemilitron 17.33 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
420-400 AR didrachm 6.32 g Neapolis hd Athena l/ man-hd bull r,
420-405 AE tetras 5 g Gela bull stg l/ wheel
420-405 AE tetras 4.76 g Gela bull stg l/ hd Gelas r
420-408 AE AE17 4.3 g Himera nymph stg l/ boar r
420-405 AE tetras 3.67 g Gela bull stg l/ hd Gelas r
420-410 AE tetras 3.14 g Kamarina hd Gorgon facing/ owl stg l
420-410 AE tetras 3.14 g Kamarina hd Gorgon facing/ owl stg l
420-405 AE tetras 3.09 g Gela bull stg r/ hd Gelas r
420-410 AE tetras 2.93 g Kamarina hd Gorgon facing/ owl stg r
420-410 AR hemidrachm 2.08 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
420-415 AR hemidrachm 2.01 g Himera goat rider l/ Nike flying l
420-415 AE tetras 1.98 g Himera goat rider l/ Nike flying l
420-415 AE hexas 1.81 g Himera goat rider r/ Nike flying l
420-410 AE onkia 1.48 g Kamarina hd Gorgon facing/ owl stg r
420-405 AE onkia 1.41 g Gela bull stg r/ hd Gelas r
420-405 AE onkia 1.14 g Gela bull stg r/ hd Gelas r
420-405 AE onkia 1.11 g Gela bull stg l/ hd Gelas r
420-415 AE onkia 1.04 g Himera goat rider r/ Nike flying l
420-390 AR 1/48 stater 0.2 g Caria - Mylasa hd lion l/ bird l in incuse square
416-415 AE hexas 4.27 g Segesta hd female r/ hound r
415-400 AE tetras 9.68 g Panormos cock stg r/ 3 pellets
415-405 AE hemilitron 5.29 g Syracuse hd Arethusa l/ wheel with four spokes
415-405 AE tetras 1.78 g Syracuse hd nymph facing/ octopus
415-387 AR litra 0.76 g Rhegion lion-mask/ PH and olive-sprig
415-387 AR hemilitron 0.27 g Rhegion lion-mask/ H
412-409 AE tetras 2.18 g Selinous hd river god r/ quiver and bow
412-408 AE tetras 1.82 g Lipara Hephaistos seated r/ 3 pellets in centre
410-405 AE tetras 4.15 g Kamarina hd Athena l/ owl stg l
410-405 AE tetras 3.65 g Kamarina hd Athena l/ owl stg l
410-405 AE tetras 3.46 g Kamarina hd Athena l/ owl stg l
410-400 AE hexas 2.58 g Eryx hd female r/ hound stg r
410-400 AE hexas 1.61 g Eryx hd female r/ hound stg r
409-406 AE onkia 3.72 g Akragas eagle stg r/ crab
406-408 AE AE3 1.95 g Cyzicus hd Honorius r/ three emperors stg
405-392 AE tetras 9.9 g Akragas eagle stg r CM/ crab
405-375 AE hemilitron 4.35 g Syracuse hd Arethusa l / incuse square of four quarters
405-402 AE tetras 1.9 g Leontinoi hd Apollo r/ tripod
405-402 AE tetras 1.86 g Katane hd Amenanos l/ winged thunderbolt
400-380 AE hemilitron 17.6 g Akragas hd Akragas l/ eagle stg l
400-380 AE hemilitron 17.24 g Akragas hd Akragas l/ eagle stg l
400-340 AR didrachm 7.59 g Metapontum hd Demeter l/ barley-ear
400-390 AE onkia ? 4.22 g Eryx hd male r/ hound stg r
400-397 AE AE11 1.29 g Motya hd female r/ octopus
400-400 AE AE10 0.86 g Alontion hd bearded Herakles r/ bow, club, quiver
400-380 AR litra 0.64 g Panormos hd male l/ man-hd bull l
395-385 AR didrachm 6.55 g Neapolis hd Parthenope r/ man-hd bull r
395-385 AR didrachm 6.04 g Neapolis hd Parthenope r/ man-hd bull r
395-408 AE AE2 4.97 g Antioch hd Arcadius r/ emperor stg r
392-358 AE AE12 2.15 g Kampanoi helmet/ laurel wreath
392-395 AE AE4 1.5 g Cyzicus hd Theodosius I r/ Victory adv l
388-392 AE AE4 1.66 g Nicomedia hd Arcadius r/ Victory adv l with trophy and captive
380-362 AR tetrobol 2.3 g Lycia - Dynasts lion mask facing/ triskeles
380-325 AR diobol 1.03 g Taras hd Athena r/ Herakles stg r lifting lion
380-325 AR litra 0.69 g Taras shell/ dolphin l
380-325 AR obol 0.3 g Taras kantharos/ bucranium
378-383 AE AE4 1.43 g Arles hd Gratianus r/ VOT XV MVLT XX
375-344 AE litra 7.4 g Syracuse hd Athena l/ hippocamp l
375-344 AE hemilitron 5.83 g Syracuse hd Athena l/ hippocamp l
375-344 AE litra 5.49 g Syracuse hd Athena l/ hippocamp l
367-375 AR siliqua 1.69 g Trier hd Valens r/ Roma seated r
364-367 AE AE3 2.55 g Constantinople hd Valens r/ Valens stg h r
364-367 AE AE3 2.34 g Rome hd Valens r/ Valens adv r
364-375 AE AE3 2.05 g Sirmium hd Valentinianus I r/ Victory adv l
364-375 AE AE3 1.68 g Aquileia hd Valentinianus I r/ Victory adv l
364-367 AR siliqua 1.67 g Rome hd Valens r/ wreath
363-364 AE AE3 2.75 g Heraclea hd Jovianus l/ wreath
360-363 AE maiorina 4.76 g Thessalonica hd Valentinianus II r/ emperor stg in galley
360-363 AE centenionalis 2.71 g Lyon hd Julianus II l/ laurel-wreath
357-305 AE AE11 7.16 g Tauromenion hd Apollo l/ bull charging l
357-336 AE AE20 5.73 g Sileraioi forepart man-headed bull/ warrior Leucaspis charging r
357-354 AE hemilitron 3.18 g Syracuse hd Zeus l/ octopus
355-360 AE AE3 1.98 g Constantinople hd Julianus II r/ soldier spearing fallen horseman
354-361 AE AE3 1.63 g Constantinople hd Constantius II r/ soldier spearing fallen horseman
354-361 AE AE3 0 g hd Constantius II r/ soldier spearing fallen horseman
351-280 AE AE21 7.06 g Rhegion lion-mask/ winged thunderbolthd Apollo l
351-355 AE centenionalis 5.63 g Heraclea hd Constantius II r/ soldier spearing fallen horseman
351-280 AE AE11 1.96 g Rhegion lion-mask/ hd Apollo r
351-280 AE AE12 1.42 g Rhegion lion-mask/ hd Apollo r
350-350 AE AE17 5.1 g Thessaly - Phalanna hd male r/ hd nymph r
348-350 AE centenionalis 4.86 g Nicomedia hd Constans l/ soldier stg r
348-361 AE AE3 2.32 g ? hd Constantius II r/ soldier spearing fallen horseman
348-361 AE AE3 1.73 g Cyzicus hd Constantius II r/ soldier spearing fallen horseman
345-307 AR stater 8.4 g Corinthia - Corinth Pegasos l/ hd Athena l
343-332 AE dilitron 16.89 g Syracuse hd Zeus Eleutherios l/ horse prancing l
343-317 AR stater 8.41 g Syracuse Pegasus flying l/ hd Athena r
343-339 AE AE20 6.77 g Entella Campanian helmet r/ Pegasus r
343-336 AE AE19 4.49 g Abakainon hd female l / bull butting l, cornucopia above, exergue line
340-332 AR nomos 7.62 g Taras horse stg r, warrior behind/ dolphin-rider l
339-307 AE AE13 2.46 g Kephaloidion hd young Herakles r/ Pegasus r
339-310 AR trihemiobol ? 0.75 g Gela forepart man-hd bull/ grain-ear
338-317 AE AE22 7.55 g Akragas hd Zeus Soter r/ eagle stg r
338-317 AE AE16 3.69 g Akragas hd Zeus l/ eagle l
338-317 AE AE16 3 g Akragas hd Zeus l/ eagle l
338-310 AE trias ? 2.99 g Gela hd Demeter facing/ hd Gelas l
338-317 AE onkia 1.98 g Akragas crab/ hd eagle r
338-317 AR hemidrachm 1.64 g Akragas crab/ horse r
337-348 AE AE4 1.96 g Aquileia hd Constantius II  r/ two Victories facing each other
337-348 AE AE4 1.34 g Thessalonica hd Constantius II r/ two Victories facing each other
337-348 AE AE4 1.05 g ? Constans r/ soldier spearing fallen horseman
336-305 AE AE13 2.47 g Syracuse hd Aretusa facing/ forepart Pegasus flying l
331-331 billon reduced centenionalis 1.9 g Lyon hd Roma l/ she-wolf stg l
330-320 AR stater 8.5 g Medma Pegasos l/ hd Athena l
330-300 AE unit 2.59 g Sicily palm tree/ Pegasus flying l
330-300 AE unit 2.08 g Sicily palm tree/ Pegasus flying l
330-331 billon reduced centenionalis 1.46 g Trier hd Constantinopolis l/ Victory stg l
330-331 billon reduced centenionalis 1.29 g Trier hd Constantinopolis l/ Victory stg l
325-275 AE obol 3.91 g Arpi hd Zeus l/ horse l
325-275 AE obol 3.75 g Arpi hd Zeus l/ horse l
325-275 AE obol 3.49 g Arpi hd Zeus l/ forepart boar r
325-320 AE AE15 2.96 g Neapolis hd Apollo r/ forepart man-hd bull r
325-280 AR diobol 1.13 g Taras hd Athena r/ Herakles kneeling r
325-280 AR diobol 1.05 g Taras hd Athena r/ Herakles kneeling r
325-275 AR diobol 0.83 g Arpi hd Athena r/ Herakles wrestling lion
325-280 AR diobol 0.775 g Taras hd Athena r/ Herakles kneeling r
325-275 AR obol 0.67 g Phistelia hd young male or mask facing/ corn-grain and muscle, dolphin above
325-280 AR 3/4 obol 0.3 g Taras hd horse r/ hd horse r
325-280 AR hemilitron 0.28 g Taras shell/ dolphin r
325-280 AR hemiobol 0.19 g Taras two crescents/ two crescents
324-330 billon reduced centenionalis 3.01 g hd Constantinus l/ gateway
324-330 billon reduced centenionalis 1.48 g hd Constantinus l/ gateway
321-322 billon reduced centenionalis 2.35 g London hd Crispus l/ altar
320-250 AE AE11 2.12 g Kyme forepart horse/ one-handled vase
320-320 AE AE3 2.08 g Siscia hd Constantinus II l/ trophy, two captives seated aside
320-250 AE AE11 1.14 g Kyme eagle stg r/ one-handled vase
315-310 AE trias ? 2.9 g Gela hd Demeter facing/ hd Gelas l
315-310 AE trias ? 2.8 g Gela hd Demeter facing/ hd Gelas l
315-310 AE hexas ? 1.98 g Gela hd Herakles r/ hd Gelas l
314-315 AE AE3 3.15 g Rome hd Constantinus r/ Sol stg l
310-305 AE AE17 4.79 g Syracuse hd Apollo l/ Pegasus l
310-305 AE AE17 4.76 g Syracuse hd Apollo l/ Pegasus l
310-305 AE AE17 4.72 g Syracuse hd Apollo l/ Pegasus l
308-310 billon follis 7.4 g Rome hd Maxentius r/ Roma seated in hexastyle temple
308-277 AR didrachm 7.37 g Kyrene hd Karneios r/ silphium plant
305-295 AE AE22 10.11 g Syracuse hd Athena r/ Pegasus l
305-306 AE post-reform radiate 3.88 g Alexandria hd Constantius I r/ Constantius I and Jupiter stg
302-303 billon follis 10.52 g Trier hd Diocletianus r/ Genius stg l
302-286 AE AE19 5.5 g Thessaly - Larissa Kremaste hd Achilles ? l/ Thetis on hippocamp l
302-280 AR drachm 3.2 g Taras hd Athena r/ owl stg r
300-200 AE AE19 4.5 g Thessaly - Skotussa hd Ares r/ horse prancing r
300-290 AE AE15 2.74 g Tyndaris hd Apollo r/ Cock stg r
300-250 AE AE15 2.72 g Metapontum hd Demeter l/ barley-ear
300-250 AE AE12 2.46 g Metapontum hd Hermes r/ 3 barley-grains
300-250 AE AE13 2.42 g Metapontum hd Demeter r/ barley-ear
300-275 AE AE13 2.02 g Neapolis hd male l/ tripod
300-200 AR trihemiobol ? 1 g Pisidia - Selge hd Gorgon facong/ hd Athena r
300-200 AR trhemiobol ? 0.9 g Pisidia - Selge hd Gorgon facing/ hd Athena r
296-297 AE post-reform radiate 3.01 g Antioch hd Diocletianus r/ Diocletiatus and Jupiter
295-297 AE post-reform radiate 2.81 g Cyzicus hd Maximianus r/ Jupiter presents Victory on a globe to Maximianus
293-294 billon antoninianus 3.81 g Antioch hd Diocletianus r/ Diocletianus and Jupiter
290-291 billon antoninianus 4.64 g London hd Carausius r/ Pax stg l
289-290 billon tetradrachm 7.1 g Alexandria hd Maximianus r/ Alexandrias stg l
287-278 AE AE22 8.7 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ biga r
287-278 AE AE20 8.47 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ biga r
287-282 AE AE20 7.83 g Akragas hd Zeus Hellanios r/ 2 eagles stg l
287-278 AE AE22 7.74 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ biga r
287-287 potin tetradrachm 6.63 g Alexandria hd Diocletianus r/ Tyche stg l
287-279 AE AE20 6.48 g Akragas hd Artemis l/ boar l
287-282 AE AE21 5.54 g Akragas hd Zeus Hellanios r/ 2 eagles stg l
287-282 AE AE15 2.52 g Akragas hd Apollo l/ eagle stg r hd l
283-283 billon antoninianus 4.26 g Lyon hd Numerianus r/ Pax stg l
283-283 billon antoninianus 3.68 g Lyon hd Carinus r/ Aequitas stg l
283-284 billon antoninianus 3.06 g Rome hd Numerianus r/ Mercury stg l
283-283 billon antoninianus 2.54 g Tripolis hd Carinus r/ Carus and Carinus stg facing
282-278 AE AE20 7.19 g Akragas hd Akragas l/ boar stg l
282-282 billon antoninianus 4.06 g Rome hd Carus r/ Jupiter stg l
281-282 billon tetradrachm 8.1 g Alexandria hd Probus r/ eagle stg r
280-272 AR nomos 6.29 g Taras horseman r/ dolphin rider r
280-281 AR antoninianus 3.51 g Antioch hd Probus r/ female l presenting wreath to Probus r
280-272 AR drachm reduced 3.23 g Taras hd Athena r/ owl r
280-228 AR diobol 0.83 g Taras hd Athena facing/ Herakles stg r
280-228 AR obol 0.485 g Taras kantharos/ kantharos
280-228 AR obol 0.44 g Taras kantharos/ kantharos
278-279 billon tetradrachm 6.94 g Alexandria hd Probus r/ Eirene stg l
278-280 billon antoninianus 4.21 g Rome hd Probus r/ Probus on horseback l
277-278 billon tetradrachm 9.26 g Alexandria hd Probus r/ eagle stg r
275-264 AE double 9.69 g Mamertinoi hd Ares r/ eagle stg l
275-264 AE double 8.73 g Mamertinoi hd Ares r/ bull l
275-250 AE obol 8.17 g Arpi bull r/ horse r
275-250 AE obol 7.15 g Arpi bull r/ horse r
275-250 AE AE18 5.78 g Neapolis hd Apollo l/ man-hd bull r
275-276 billon antoninianus 4.34 g Lyon hd Tacitus r/ Mars adv r
275-250 AE AE15 3.61 g Salapia dolphin r/ dolphin r
275-216 AE AE15 2.95 g Syracuse hd female/ Pegasus flying l
275-200 AE AE14 2.34 g Taras shell/ dolphin-rider l
275-200 AE AE11 0.82 g Taras shell/ 2 dolphins r
273-273 billon antoninianus 3.19 g Milan hd Aurelianus r/ Sol stg l captive at feet
273-274 billon antoninianus 3.03 g Mainz or Trier hd Tetricus I r/ Laetitia stg l ?
273-274 billon antoninianus 2.22 g Mainz or Trier hd Tetricus II r/ Spes advancing l
273-274 billon antoninianus 1.81 g Mainz or Trier hd Tetricus I r/ Laetitia stg l ?
272-273 billon antoninianus 4.58 g Cologne hd Tetricus I r/ Virtus or Mars stg l
272-272 AE antoninianus 3.02 g Serdica hd Aurelianus r/ Jupiter stg l representing globe to Aurelianus stg r
271-271 billon antoninianus 2.03 g Cologne hd Tetricus I r/ Victory advancing l
270-272 billon antoninianus 2.82 g Antioch hd Vabalathus r/ hd Aurelianus r
270-270 billon antoninianus 2.56 g Rome hd Quintillus r/ Laetitia stg l
269-240 AE AE22 11.23 g Syracuse hd Persephone l/ Pegasos
269-270 billon antoninianus 3.78 g Antioch hd Claudius II r/ Isis stg l
269-269 billon antoninianus 2.7 g Cologne hd Marius r/ Felicitas stg l
269-270 billon antoninianus 2.59 g Mainz or Trier hd Victorinus r/ Aequitas stg l
269-271 billon antoninianus 1.24 g ? hd Victorinus r/
268-269 billon antoninianus 2.94 g Rome hd Claudius II r/ Felicitas stg l
268-269 billon antoninianus 2.18 g Rome hd Claudius II r/ Felicitas stg l
267-268 billon antoninianus 2.74 g Rome hd Gallienus r/ Pegasus springing r
265-240 AE AE18 6.14 g Suessa Aurunca hd Hermes l/ Herakles stg r strangling lion
265-268 AR antoninianus 4.29 g Cologne hd Postumus r/ Pietas stg facing hd l
265-268 AR antoninianus 3.66 g Cologne hd Postumus r/ Providentia stg l
265-268 billon antoninianus 3.07 g Cologne hd Postumus r/ Sol adv l
265-268 AR antoninianus 2.83 g Cologne hd Postumus r/ Postumus stg r
265-267 billon antoninianus 2.71 g Rome hd Salonina r/ Fecunditas stg l
265-267 billon antoninianus 2.44 g Rome hd Gallienus r/ Uberitas stg l
265-267 billon antoninianus 1.74 g Rome hd Gallienus r/ Abundantia stg l
264-266 billon antoninianus 1.44 g Rome hd Gallienus r/ Mars stg l
260-215 AE pentonkion 5.83 g Rhegion hd Athena l/ Athena stg front hd l
260-265 AR antoninianus 2.98 g Cologne hd Postumus r/ galley l
260-268 billon antoninianus 2.66 g Rome hd Gallienus r/ Mars stg l
259-260 billon antoninianus 2.98 g Cologne hd Valerianus I (or Junior) r/ Vulcanus in temple
258-258 AR antoninianus 3.39 g Rome hd Valerianus Junior r/ altar-enclosure
256-258 AR antoninianus 4.41 g Antioch hd Valerianus r/ Valerianus and Gallienus stg
253-253 AR antoninianus 3.64 g Rome hd Volusianus r/ Volusianus stg l
251-253 billon tetradrachm 9.93 g Antioch hd Trebonianus Gallus r/ eagle stg r
251-253 AR antoninianus 3.02 g Milan hd Trebonianus Gallus r/ Pietas stg l
250-251 AR antoninianus 5.74 g Rome hd Trajanus Decius r/ the two Pannoniae
250-250 AR antoninianus 4.09 g Rome hd Trajanus Decius r/ Trajanus Decius on horseback l
249-249 billon tetradrachm 12.61 g Antioch hd Philippus I r/ eagle stg l
248-248 AR antoninianus 4.75 g Rome hd Philippus I r/ cippus (column)
247-247 AR antoninianus 4.35 g Rome hd Otacilia Severa r/ Pietas srg l
244-247 AE 5-assaria 12.88 g Moesia Inferior - Marcianopolis hds Philippus II and Serapis / Asklepios stg front hd l with serpent-entwined staff
243-244 AR antoninianus 4.02 g Rome hd Gordianus III r/ Felicitat stg l
241-242 AR denarius 3.08 g Rome hd Gordianus r/ Seacuritas seated l
241-238 AE AE19 1.68 g Sardinia hd Kore l/ 3 corn ears
240-240 AE as 10.72 g Rome hd Gordianus III r/ Gordianus stg l
240-212 AE AE23 7.3 g Akragas hd Apollo r/ warrior charging  r
240-212 AE AE21 6.38 g Akragas hd Persephone r/ Asklepios stg facing
232-232 AE sestertius 21.31 g Rome hd Severus Alexander r/ Sol stg l
229-48 AE AE22 7.5 g Korkyra hd Herakles r/ prow of galley r
225-217 AE cast uncia 45.46 g Luceria frog/ corn-ear
225-217 AE cast uncia 32.67 g Luceria frog/ corn-ear
225-217 AE cast semuncia 22.47 g Luceria crescent/ thyrsus
222-222 AE 4-assaria 11 g Moesia Inferior - Marcianopolis hd Elegabalus r laureate/ Hygieia stg r feeding snake in her arms
222-228 AR denarius 2.65 g Rome hd Severus Alexander r/ Aequitas srg l
220-200 AE pentachalkon 9.98 g Mamertinoi hd Apollo r/ warrior stg front
220-200 AE pentonkion 9.75 g Mamertinoi hd Zeus r/ warrior charging r
220-200 AE pentonkion 7.86 g Mamertinoi hd Apollo r/ warrior stg front
220-221 AR denarius 3.18 g Rome hd Elagabalus r/ Victory stg l
220-220 AR denarius 2.87 g Rome hd Julia Soaemias r/ Venus seated l
219-219 AR antoninianus 5.22 g Rome hd Elagabalus r/ Roma seated l
218-219 AR antoninianus 6.09 g Rome hd Julia Maesa r/ Pietas stg l
218-222 AE assarion 2.85 g Moesia Inferior - Marcianopolis hd Elegabalus r laureate/ snake emerging from half-opened cista (Mystica)
217-212 AE cast biunx 16.77 g Luceria scallop shell/ astragalus
217-218 AE 5-assaria 11.15 g Moesia Inferior - Marcianopolis hds Macrinus and Diadumenianus facing / Hygieia stg r
217-218 AE assarion 5.9 g Moesia Inferior - Nikopolis ad Istrum hd Diadumenianus / snake entwined Asklepios staff
217-218 AR denarius 2.96 g Rome hd Macrinus r/ Securitas stg l
216-216 AE AE18 4.39 g Sardinia hd Tanit l/ bull stg r
216-216 AE AE19 4.36 g Sardinia hd Tanit l/ bull stg r
216-216 AE AE18 4.35 g Sardinia hd Tanit l/ bull stg r
215-150 AE pentonkion 8.04 g Rhegion hd Artemis r/ Apollo seated l
215-212 AE obol 4.05 g Arpi hd Athena r/ bunch of grapes
215-150 AE triens 3.18 g Rhegion hds Dioscuri r/ Asklepios stg l
215-150 AE tetras 2.7 g Rhegion hd Asklepios r/ Hygieia stg l
215-150 AE tetras 2.15 g Rhegion hd Asklepios r/ Hygieia stg l
215-150 AE AE16 0 g Rhegion hds Dioscuri r/ Asklepios stg l
214-211 AE double (didrachm) 17.28 g Brettian League hd Ares l/ Nike stg l
214-212 AE AE16 2.33 g Syracuse hd Kore or Persephone l/ wreath
214-212 AE AE12 1.43 g Syracuse hd Asklepios r/ snake-entwined Asklepian staff
211-200 AE quincunx 12.97 g Luceria hd Minerva r/ wheel
210-210 AR denarius 3.31 g Rome hd Geta r/ Genius or Bonus Eventus stg l
204-204 AR denarius 3.35 g Rome hd Caracalla r/ Victory advancing l
203-118 AE unit 15.25 g Numidia hd male (Massinissa or Micipsa) l, laureate and bearded/ horse jumping l
203-203 AR denarius 3.66 g Rome hd Geta r/ Felicitas stg l
203-203 AR denarius 3.38 g Rome hd Julia Domna r/ Pietas stg l
203-203 AR denarius 3.16 g Rome hd Plautilla r/ Pietas stg front hd r
200-0 AE AE21 8.19 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Asklepios r/ eagle l
200-133 AE AE19 7.64 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Asklepios r/ snake coiled round omphalos
200-0 AE AE15 3.21 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Asklepios r/ snake-entwined Asklepian staff
200-0 AE AE14 3.2 g Mysia - Pergamon hd Asklepios r laureate/ snake-entwined Asklepian staff
200-100 AE half ounce 1.67 g Mamertinoi hd Artemis r/ omphalos
200-35 AE ounce ? 1.61 g Mamertinoi hd Athena r/ warrior charging r
198-217 AE 5-assaria 13.39 g Moesia Inferior - Marcianopolis hds Caracalla and Julia Domna/ tempel in which Asklepios
198-217 AE AE15 3.7 g Thrace - Trajanopolis hd Caracalla r/ serpent-entwined staff
198-209 AE AE17 3.14 g Moesia Inferior - Marcianopolis hd Geta r, / Asklepios standing facing, hd l, holding serpent-staff
197-198 AR denarius 3.54 g Rome hd Septimius Severus r/ Annonae stg l
196-27 AE assarion 9 g Thessalian League hd Artemis r/ Demeter running r
196-146 AE assarion 5.9 g Thessalian League hd Athena r/ horse prancing r
188-188 AR denarius 2.54 g Rome hd Commodus r/ Libertas stg l
185-160 AE AE20 11.13 g Taxila elephant stg r/ lion stg l
185-160 AE AE20 11.04 g Taxila elephant stg r/ lion stg l
185-149 AE AE22 5.91 g Bithynian Kingdom hd Dionysos r wreathed with ivy/ centaur Cheiron stg r playing lyre
182-182 AR denarius 2.64 g Rome hd Commodus r/ Salus stg l
178-178 AE dupondius 13.4 g Rome hd Commodus r/ Libertas stg l
163-163 AE as 11.02 g Rome hd Marcus Aurelius r/ Salus stg l holding sceptre feeding snake arising from altar
161-180 AE AE18 3.32 g Phrygia - Akmoneia hd Marcus Aurelius/ Asklepios stg frontally hd l
159-160 AE sestertius 26.32 g Rome hd Antoninus Pius r/ Pietas stg l
155-156 AR denarius 2.96 g Rome hd Marcus Aurelius r/ Aequitas stg l
154-155 AE as 10.6 g Rome hd Marcus Aurelius r/ Mars adv r
153-153 AR denarius 2.87 g Rome hd Antoninus Pius r/ Annona stg l
151-157 AE as/dupondius 10.15 g Rome hd Faustina r/ Juno stg l
151-152 AE as 8.59 g Rome hd Antoninus Pius r/ Salus stg l
146-146 AR denarius 3.34 g Rome hd Antoninus Pius r/ Aequitas stg l
138-161 AE as 7.57 g Rome? hd Antoninus Pius? r/ Fortuna stg l
136-136 AR denarius 3.93 g Rome hd Roma r/ quadriga r
136-136 AR denarius 3.32 g Rome hd Hadrianus r/ Germania stg l
125-75 AE AE17 4.07 g Phrygia - Akmoneia hd Zeus/ Asklepios stg facing
120-80 AE AE22 10.73 g Syracuse hd Zeus l/ biga r
119-122 AR denarius 2.77 g Rome hd Hadrianus r/ Aeternitas stg front
118-118 AR denarius 2.88 g Rome hd Hadrianus r/ Pax stg l
117-138 AE as 11.66 g Rome? hd Hadrianus? r/
115-114 AR denarius 3.6 g Rome hd Roma r/ biga driven by Victory
111-112 AE AE24 12.31 g Judaea - Ascalon hd Trajanus r/ city-goddess stg l
108-108 AR denarius 2.82 g Rome hd Trajanus r/ Roma seated l
100-0 potin cast 18 4.39 g Leuci, the hd l/ boar stg l
95-44 AE AE20 6.13 g Alaisa Archonidea hd Apollo r/ Apollo stg l
95-44 AE AE20 5 g Alaisa Archonidea hd Apollo r/ Apollo stg l
94-93 AE AE21 8.58 g Arados hd Astarte r/ bull l
88-40 AE AE18 4.14 g Phrygia - Akmoneia hd Zeus/ Asklepios stg facing
86-87 AR denarius 3.06 g Rome hd Domitianus r/ Minerva stg l
85-85 AE dupondius 12.3 g Rome hd Domitianus r/ Fortuna stg l
79-79 AR denarius 3.07 g Rome hd Vespasianus r/ naked radiate figure on column
71-71 AR denarius 3.23 g Rome hd Vespasianus r/ Pax seated l
70-70 brass semis 2.96 g Samosata in Commagene hd Vespasianus l/ winged caduceus
65-65 AE as 9.17 g Rome hd Nero l/ Victory stg l
50-44 AE semis 2.92 g Paestum hd male r/ clasped hands
41-42 AE as 9.65 g Rome hd Claudius l/ Constantia stg l
41-41 AE quadrans 3.35 g Rome modius/ S C
36-36 AE as ? 8.64 g Entella hd Helios r/ female seated l
27-14 AE assarion 5.2 g Thessalian League hd Athena r/ horse prancing r
16-37 AR denarius 3.74 g Lyon hd Tiberius r/ female seated r