Zancle andMessana Coins [info Messana]
.. denomination weights n description Obv/Rev [Ref.]
530 BC, Zancle, Dancle
AR Chalc. drachm 4.53- 5.45 3 dolphin within cickle/same in incuse
525-493 BC
AR Chalc. drachm 3.72- 6.13 29 dolphin within cickle/shell in patterned incuse
AR litra 0.56- 0.74 8 dolphin within cickle/shell in patterned incuse
AR hexas 0.11 1 dolphin within cickle DAN/shell in patterned incuse [BMC Sicily p. 99 8]
494/3-489/8 BC, Zancle captured by Samian refugees
AR tetradrachm 16.27-17.32 6 hd lion on disc or shield/prow of ship
AR diobol 1.04- 1.30 5 hd lion /prow of ship (in field helmet)
AR tritartemorion 0.48 1 hd lion /prow of ship
AR hemiobol 0.33 1 hd lion /prow of ship, 3 pellets in field
AR tetartemorion 0.13- 0.21 3 hd lion /prow of ship
Messene or Messana
488/7-461 BC, period I
time/series: 488/7-481/I
AR stater 16.13-17.63 28 hd lion facing/hd calf [Calt. MES 1-13]
AR litra 0.65- 0.96 13 hd lion facing/MES [Calt. MES 14-21]
AR hexas/onkion 0.05- 0.15 6 hd lion facing/ME [Calt. MES 22-6]
time/series: 480-478/IIA, 478-476/IIB, 475-471/III, 470-466/IV, 465-462/1/V
AR tetradrachm 15.05-17.35 138 biga of mules/hare [Calt. MES 27-38,46-84,86-140,141-186,187-226]
AR didrachm 7.90- 8.60 18 biga of mules/hare [Calt. MES 39-40,85]
AR drachm 3.85- 4.25 19 biga of mules/hare [Calt. MES 41-5]
AR litra 0.29- 0.99 65 hare/MES [Calt. MES 227-68A]
AR pentonkion 0.25- 0.27 2 hd hare/M, 5 pellets [Calt. MES 269-71]
AR hexas 0.04- 0.18 19 hd hare/ME [Calt. MES 272-90]
461 BC Parentesi Zanclea
AR tetradrachm 17.05 1 Zeus stg/dolphin DANKLAION [Calt. MES 291]
AR litra 0.41- 0.84 5 dolphin/DAN [Calt. MES 292-5]
480-420 BC Messana in possible alliance with Kroton
AR stater 7.29 1 tripod/tripod
460-426 BC, period II
time/series: 460-456/VI, 455-451/VII, 450-446/VIII, 445-439/IX, 438-434/X, 433-429/XI, 428-426/XII
A dilitron 1.43- 1.46 3 biga mules Nike/hare [Calt. MES 321]
AR tetradrachm 14.45-17.40 50 biga mules Nike/hare [Calt. MES 296-307,322-33,349-57,358-83,415-24,437-47,463-70]
AR didrachm 8.02 1 biga mules Nike/hare wreath [Calt. MES 384]
AR drachm 3.65- 5.10 21 biga mules Nike/hare text1 wreath [Calt. MES 334-7,385-8]
AR litra 0.45- 0.80 16 hare/MES within wreath [Calt. MES 308-17,338-45A,389-413,425-36,448-60,471-6]
AR hemilitron 0.32- 0.37 3 hare/ME within wreath [Calt. MES 346-7,461,477]
AR tetras 0.12- 0.20 2 hare/MES, 3 pellets [Calt. MES 462,478]
AR hexas 0.06- 0.10 3 hare/ME [Calt. MES 318-20,348,414,462A]
425-396 BC, period III, 450-400 BC (Calciati)
time/series: 425-421/XIII, 420-413/XIV, 412-408/XVA, 411-408/XVB, 407/6-396/XVI
A di(tri)litron 1.77 1 hd Peloria/horse prancing [Calt. MES 641]
AR tetradrachm 15.80-18.00 248 biga mules (Nike)/hare [Calt. MES 479-500,540-2]
AR tetradrachm 15.05-17.85 268 biga mules /hare [Calt. MES 510-539]
AR tetradrachm 14.20-17.50 345 biga mules (Nike)/hare [Calt. MES 599-630]
AR tetradrachm 16.25-17.22 4 biga mules/Pan sits, hare [Calt. MES 508-9]
AR drachm 4.00 1 biga mules/hare [Calt. MES 631]
AR drachm 3.09- 3.90 18 hd Peloria/warrior adv [Calt. MES 642-6]
AR hemidrachm 1.96 1 biga mules/hare [Calt. MES 632]
AR litra 0.55- 0.75 14 hare/MES within wreath [Calt. MES 543-8,568-98A,633-9]
AR litra 0.40- 0.55 6 hare MES/dolphin within wreath [Calt. MES 501-5]
AR litra 0.57- 0.64 2 hd Peloria/MES in wreath [Calt. MES 647]
AR hemilitron 0.30 1 hare/ME within wreath [Calt. MES 506,640]
AR hexas 0.10 1 hare/ME [Calt. MES 507]
AE hemilitron 4.66- 4.81 2 hare 6p/biga of mules (or vv) [C 6, Calt. XIV 549-50]
AE hemilitron 1.86 2.23- 6.73 47 hd Peloria/trident [C 9, 11, Calt. XVB 648-77]
AE hemilitron 1.20- 1.86 24 hd Peloria/trident [C 10, Calt. XVB 678-83]
AE tetras 4.00- 8.30 70 hare/cuttle-fish [C 1- 4, Calt. XVI 686-708]
AE tetras 2.96- 2.99 4 hd Peloria/horseman [C 5, Calt. XVB 684-5]
AE tetras 1.62- 2.38 8 hd female/hare 3p wreath around [C 7, Calt. XIV 551- 7]
AE hexas 1.30- 2.66 15 hd young man/ hare, 2p [C 8, Calt. XIV 558-67]
338-275 BC, period IV, 357-287 BC (Calciati)
time/series: 338-331/I, 330-325/II, 324-318/III, 317-311/XVIII, 310/5-288/XIX, 287-279/XX, 278-275/XXI
AE litra 3.88-17.90 141 hd Poseidon/trident [C 12-15, Calt. I 709-737, II 738-50, III 757-81A]
AE litra 8.19-17.75 63 hd female (Messana)/biga mules [C 18-19, Calt. XVIII 783-804]
AE litra 4.85- 8.04 20 hd Peloria, Artemis?/fast biga [C 20-21, Calt. XX 878-94]
AE litra 5.25-11.00 93 hd Peloria/warrior (Pheraimon?) [C 22, Calt. XIX 808-77]
AE litra 3.90- 7.80 57 hd Herakles ls/lion, club above [C 23-24, Calt. XXI 895-933]
AE tetras 1.95- 4.03 14 hd Poseidon/trident text1 [C 16-17, Calt. II 751-6]
AE onkia 1.34- 1.98 4 hd Messana or Peloria/trident [Calt. XVIII 805-7]
AE onkia 0.71 1 hd Poseidon/dolphin text1 [Calt. II 782]
uncertain attribution
AE ... 4.65 1 hd male/ME [C 25]
289-... BC Mamertine and Roman Period
Arrangements, weights and numbers are from:
Caltabiano MC (1993) La Monetazione di Messana, con le emissioni di Rhegion dell'eta' della tirannide. Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York
Calciati R (1983) Corpus Nummorum Siculorum. La Monetazione di Bronzo: Vol. 1
If not described in specialized literature, the numbers have been derived from a limited number of numismatic literature.