tetradrachm of Katana, 405 BC ca.

Obv. galloping quadriga, Nike flying above crowning the charioteer, in exergue signature H
Rev. hd young river-god Amenanos, KATANAIWN

74 (O36/R56)   17.27 g   Triton I Auction 1997 no. 245, 410 BC

signed by the engraver Herakleidas
re, hd Apollo or the river-god Amenanos (usually horned)
When these dies where originally paired, the reverse die lacked the crayfish, this device being added at a later phase of production

 1. ..... g  Rizzo (1946) XIV 3
 2. ..... g  SNG Lloyd 900
 3. 17.27 g  Triton I Auction 1997 no. 245    

See die-coupling signed tetradrachms (Van Wielink Group IV)