onkia of Gela, 420-405 BC

Obv. bull, in ex: 1 pellet
Rev. river-god

Calciati 26      1.14 g      Munthandel G. Henzen, list 115 (2000) no. 26

C  5  bull l                    /hair upswept 
C  6  bull l                    /hair floating
C 11  bull l                    /hair upswept
C 13  bull l                    /with diadem and horns
C 16  bull l, G                 /with diadem and horns
C 21  bull r, hd up             /hair floating
C 22  bull r, hd up, olive-spray/hair floating
C 26  bull r,        olive-spray/hair floating, barley grain behind
C 27  bull r,        olive-spray/hd smaller and elongated
C 29  bull l                    /hair floating, barley grain behind
C 33  bull l,        olive-leaf /hair floating less, barley grain behind