tetradrachm of Leontinoi, 465 BC

Obv. quadriga, charioteer crowned by Nike, in ex. lion
Rev. hd Apollo, 3 Laurel leaves around, VEONTINON, in ex. lion

vW 1727   16.28 g   Harlan J. Berk Ltd., 104th buy or bid sale (1998) no. 85, 480 BC

Demareteion type (dies created by the Demareteion master). Less than 15 recorded

476-466 BC   17.25 g   Randazzo Hoard 90  = Bowers and Ruddy, Masterpieces 2	
476-466 BC   ..... g   SNG Lloyd 1046	
476-466 BC   16.49 g   SNG ANS 218	
500-466 BC   17.49 g   SNG Copenhagen 344	
...     BC   17.50 g   BMC 11	
480     BC   16.28 g   Berk 104 85

See die-coupling tetradrachms (Van Wielink Leontinoi Group I-II)