Taras Coins [info Taras]
.. denomination   weights       n    description Obv/Rev                                         [Ref.]

510-500 BC

281-272 BC Pyrrhus

AV stater         8.54               hd Heracles ls     /biga with Taras                        [V   28]
AV stater         8.50- 8.62         hd Zeus laur    /eagle wing open -fulmen                   [V   35-  41]
AV 1/2 stater     4.25- 4.33         hd Heracles ls     /biga with Taras                        [V   29-  34]  drachm
AV 1/4 stater     2.09- 2.23         hd Apollo laur  /eagle wing open -fulmen                   [V   45-  59]  hemidrachm 
AV 1/8 stater     1.05- 1.06         hd Athena Cor helm/owl wing open -fulmen                   [V   60-  61]               
AV litra          0.85- 0.89         hd Heracles ls     /dolphin-rider                          [V   42-  44]
AV 1/16 stater    0.53               hd Athena Cor helm /owl                                    [SNG ANS 1045, Dewing 184] 

AR stater            reduced         horseman, crowning horse/dolphin-rider                     [V 666-678, 739-760 VII.C, 762-772 VII.C, 782-788 VII.E, 818]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, Nike in front / dolphin-rider                    [V 679-682]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, with shield   /dolphin-rider                     [V 683-690]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, throwing lance/dolphin-rider                     [V 691-696,  710-731 VII.A]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, jumping       /dolphin-rider                     [V 697, 704-706]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, with shield dismounting/dolphin-rider            [V 698-703]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, stand still with shield/dolphin-rider            [V 707]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, prancing      /dolphin-rider                     [V 709]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, male in front /dolphin-rider                     [V 732-738]
AR stater            reduced         horseman behind shield/dolphin-rider                       [V  761, 789-802 VII.F]
AR stater                            Dioskuri on horseback     /dolphin-rider                   [V  773- 781 VII.D]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, crowning himself/dolphin-rider                   [V  803-808 VII.G H/K]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, dismounting     /dolphin-rider                   [V  809-813 VII.G H/K]
AR stater            reduced         horseman, with torch      /dolphin-rider                   [V  814-817 VII.G H/K]
AR drachm                            VII hd Athena helm /owl stg                                [V 1058-1067]
AR drachm                            VII hd Athena helm /owl stg open wing                      [V 1068-1087]

302-228 BC

AR diobol                            hd Athena helm     /Heracles fighting lion                 [V 1360-1361, 1365-1371, 1375-1383, 1385, 1388-1391, 1398-1412, 1426, 1429, 1468-1472]
AR diobol                            hd Athena Cor helm /Heracles fighting lion                 [V 1415-1419, 1422-1425, 1452-1453]
AR diobol                            hd Athena helm     /Heracles striking lion                 [V 1362-1364, 1384, 1386, 1427-1428]
AR diobol                            hd Athena Cor helm /Heracles striking lion                 [V 1413-1414, 1420-1421, 1431-1435]
AR diobol                            hd Athena helm     /Heracles fighting lion, club lowered   [V 1372-1374, 1397]
AR diobol                            hd Athena helm     /Heracles stg, Nike                     [V 1387, 1392, 1430] 1387 possibly Heraclea
AR diobol                            hd Athena Cor helm /Heracles stg, club and branch of apple tree of the Hesperides [V 1393-1396]
AR diobol                            hd Athena frnt helm/Heracles striking lion                 [V 1436, 1441]
AR diobol                            hd Athena frnt helm/Heracles strangling lion               [V 1437-1440, 1463-1467]
AR diobol                            hd Athena frnt helm/Heracles fights Antaros                [V 1442-1444]
AR diobol                            hd Athena Cor helm /Heracles with horse                    [V 1445-1451]
AR diobol                            hd Athena frnt helm/Heracles serpents                      [V 1454]
AR diobol                            hd Athena helm     /Heracles serpents                      [V 1455-1461]
AR diobol                            hd Athena Cor helm /Heracles serpents                      [V 1462]
AR obol           0.43-              anchor 4 pts/kantharos 4-5 pts                             [V 1609-1611]
AR obol           0.54- 0.60         kantharos 0-4 pts/cross piece torch, pts                   [V 1612-1614]
AR obol           0.51- 0.61         kantharos, pellets/bucranium                               [V 1615-1618]
AR obol                              kantharos, pellets/4 spoked wheel, pts                     [V 1619]
AR obol/pentonkion 0.34- 0.62         kantharos, pellets/kantharos, pellets                     [V 1620-1624, 1626-1679] pentonkion (5p) Aarhus 47
AR hemiobol       0.25          1    kantharos 4p       /kantharos 4p                           [SNG ANS 1556]
AR 1/2 obol       0.20-         1    one handled vase   /two handled vase                       [V 1625]
AR hemi(3/8]obol  0.20- 0.23         two crescents      /two crescents                          [V 1758-1788]
AR hemi(3/8]obol  0.20- 0.26         scallop shell      /two crescents                          [V 1789-1791]
AR 3/8 obol       0.30          1    two crescents      /dolphin                                [V 1792]
AR 3/8 obol       0.22          1    quiver, bow        /two crescents                          [V 1793]

281-235 BC

AR obol/litra     0.59- 0.64         scallop shell      /dolphin-rider                          [V 1599-1605]
AR hemiobol/litra 0.26- 0.33         scallop shell      /dolphin-rider                          [V 1606-1608]

281-209 BC

AE ...            0.40               hd Helios frnt    /star 16 rays                            [V 1795] Struck by Alexander of Epirus
AE ...           20.  -20.5          hd Athena frnt    /Heracles stg                            [V 1796-1797]
AE ...            7.06- 8.59         hd Zeus laur      /Nike stg                                [V 1798-1801]
AE ...            4.20               hd Athena Cor helm/Heracles fighting lion                  [V 1807-1810]
AE ...            3.78- 4.22         hd Athena Cor helm/Heracles seated on rock                 [V 1811-1818]
AE ...                               hd Athena? Cor helm/dolphin-rider                          [V 1819] very late style
AE ...            0.50- 0.60         hd young Heracles ls/wild boar forepart                    [V 1820]
AE ...                               hd Athena Cor helm/Heracles fighting lion                  [V 1807-1810]
AE ...            2.10- 2.18         hd male laur      /dolphin-rider                           [SNG ANS 1599, SNG Milano III 219]
AE ...            1.26- 2.85         kantharos         /kantharos                               [V 1821-1823]             
AE ...            1.37- 3.12         scallop shell     /dolphin-rider                           [V 1824-1841]
AE ...            2.95               hd Athena Cor helm/three crescents                         [SNG Ev 190]
AE ...            1.21               scallop shell/two dolphins side by side                    [V 1842-1846]
AE ...                               scallop shell     /club or distaff                         [V 1847]
AE ...                               thunderbolt, crescents/club, crescents                     [V 1848]
AE ...                               sea horse half    /hd horse                                [V 1849]
AE ...            1.33               scallop shell     /lyre                                    [V 1850]

281-228 BC Campano-Tarentine Staters

AR stater                            hd Satyra          /horseman                               [V  991-1043]

272-235 BC Roman Alliance I

AR stater           reduced          horseman, crowning his horse    /dolphin-rider             [V  819- 875, 888-889, 908-924]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, with lances and shield/dolphin-rider             [V  876- 883 VIII.A-M]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, stand still           /dolphin-rider             [V  884- 887 VIII.A-M]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, helmeted with shield  /dolphin-rider             [V  890- 903 VIII.A-M]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, jumping and throwing  /dolphin-rider             [V  904- 907]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, turned backwards      /dolphin-rider             [V  925- 926]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, shield covering back  /dolphin-rider             [V  927- 933]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, holding palm branch   /dolphin-rider             [V  934]
AR stater           reduced          Dioscuri with pilos/dolphin-rider                          [V  935- 937]
AR drachm                            VIII hd Athena helm/owl stg                                [V 1088-1101]

235-228 BC Roman Alliance II

AR stater           reduced          horseman, jumping with torch            /dolphin-rider     [V  938- 939]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, jumping body backwards        /dolphin-rider     [V  940- 941]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, jumping with wreath backwards /dolphin-rider     [V  942- 943]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, crowning his horse            /dolphin-rider     [V  944- 946, 950-954]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, holding palm bound with fillet/dolphin-rider     [V  947- 949]
AR stater           reduced          horseman (single Dioskuros)             /dolphin-rider     [V  955- 962]
AR stater           reduced          horseman, warrior turned aside          /dolphin-rider     [V  963- 970]
AR drachm                            IX hd Athena helm  /owl stg                                [V 1102-1103]
AR drachm                            hd Athena helm frnt/owl, olive wreath                      [V 1104]
AR diobol                            hd Heracles ls/Athena Promachos charging                   [V 1359]

AE ...                               scallop shell      /octopus                                [SNG Milano III 242] Coin of Tarentum? probable

212-209 BC Hannibal, staters reduced weight, 4 litrae, 1/2 shekels

AR (di)drachm      3.23- 3.89        horseman, crowning his horse   /dolphin-rider              [V  971- 980]
AR (di)drachm      3.23- 3.89        horseman, jumping and throwing /dolphin-rider              [V  981- 983]
AR (di)drachm      3.23- 3.89        horseman, helmeted and cuirass /dolphin-rider              [V  984- 986]
AR (hemi)drachm    1.55- 1.70        horseman, crowning his horse   /dolphin-rider              [V  987- 990]
AR (hemi)drachm    1.55- 1.70        hd Tanit           /horse                                  [V  -]

AE ...             7.90              hd Zeus laur       /Nike stg, trophy                       [V 1802-1806]