Taras Coins [info Taras]
.. denomination weights n description Obv/Rev [Ref.]
510-500 BC
AR stater 6.91- 8.07 9 Apollo Hyakinthos kneeling/same incuse [V 70- 72, FB 1- 2]
AR stater 7.17- 7.74 3 Apollo Hyakinthos kneeling/dolphin-rider incuse [V , FB 4]
AR stater 6.58- 8.50 61 dolphin-rider /same incuse [V 62- 69, FB 5- 16]
500-450 BC
AR stater 4.86- 8.29 487 dolphin-rider /hippocamp [V 97- 139, FB 17- 69, 102-103, 106-111, 115-117]
AR stater 6.73- 8.22 153 dolphin-rider /wheel [V 73- 96, FB 70- 90]
AR stater 6.47- 8.55 97 dolphin-rider /hd goddess Satyra [V 140- 153, FB 91-101, 112-114, 131-133]
AR stater 7.89- 8.14 7 dolphin-rider /hd goddess Satyra within wreath [V 154, FB 130]
AR stater 4.86- 8.29 50 dolphin-rider /Taras seated [V 162- 174, FB 104-105, 118-129]
AR drachm 3.53- 3.93 7 half sea-horse /hd goddess Satyra [V 155-161]
AR 1/3 stater 2.48 dolphin, pecten/hippocamp [V 1126]
AR diobol 1.10 hd Satyra /wheel [V 1124]
AR diobol 1.21 scallop shell /cray-fish [V 1125]
AR diobol 1.13- 1.32 dolphin, scallop shell/hippocamp [V 1127-1133]
AR litra/obol 0.53- 0.87 scallop shell /wheel [V 1106-1116]
AR litra/obol 0.65- 0.73 scallop shell border/dolphin [V 1135-1136]
AR ?? 0.47 hd Satyra /three crescents [V 1139]
AR 1/2 obol 0.34- 0.36 scallop shell /distaff [V 1137-1138]
AR 1/2 obol? 0.30 dolphin /hippocamp [V 1134] Messapian immitation?
AR 1/4 obol? 0.10- 0.14 scallop shell /wheel [V 1117-1122]
AR 1/4 obol/1/6 litra 0.09 wheel /scallop shell [V 1123]
AR litra/obol 0.52- 0.81 scallop shell /hd nymph (Satyra, Taras?) [V 1146-1174]
AR 1/2 litra 0.31- 0.49 scallop shell /hd nymph (Taras?) [V 1175-1188]
450-405 BC
AR stater 4.60- 8.62 681 dolphin-rider /Taras seated [V 176- 257, FB 134-144, 156-192, 199-206, 241-284]
AR stater 6.12- 8.16 180 dolphin-rider /horseman galloping [V 258- 266, 272-290, FB 145-155, 193-198, 207-230 (221-223 obv and rev reverted), 237, 290]
AR stater 6.71- 8.51 36 dolphin-rider /horseman at walk [V 267- 270, FB 231-232, 235-236, 238-240]
AR stater 6.40- 8.00 52 dolphin-rider /horseman crowning his horse [V 271, 320-325, FB 233-234, 297-302 (297 obv. and rev. reverted)]
AR stater 7.46- 8.00 17 dolphin-rider /horseman galloping with helmet and spear [V 293-296, FB 285-289]
AR stater 6.27- 7.91 29 dolphin-rider /horseman galloping with spear [V 313-315, FB 291-296]
AR 1.5 obol 0.70- 0.82 stool, T 3p /stool [V 1197-1199] 1/8 stater
AR 1.5 obol 0.80 stool, T 2p /distaff [V 1200] 1/8 stater
AR di/1.5 obol 0.72- 0.93 club & bow /distaff, laurel wreath [V 1730-1735]
AR 5 onkiai/obol 0.63- 0.66 hd Satyra /dove-cot, 5p [V 1201-1202] SNG Munchen 3, 725 (wrongly Vlasto 1207)
AR obol 0.62 hd Taras /dove-cot [V 1203]
AR obol 0.37- 0.46 club & bow /distaff [V 1736-1737]
AR 1/2 obol 0.26 1 hd Heracles ls /letter pi, laurel wreath [V 1738]
AR hemiobol 0.20- 0.34 jug /laurel wreath, torch or letter [V 1739-1753]
AR hemi(3/8)obol 0.16- 0.27 crescents ąclub or fulmen/crescents ąclub [V 1754-1757]
AR trias 0.14- 0.19 letter T, 3p /idem [V 1189-1194]
AR trias 0.19 scallop shell /T, 3p [V 1195-1196]
405-340 BC (Archytas 380-345 BC, Archidamos of Sparta 342-338 BC)
AV stater 8.51- 8.54 hd Persephone/Poseidon seated, Taras stg [V 1]
AV stater 8.56- 8.60 IV hd Hera/horseman [V 2- 4]
AV 1/2 stater 4.25- 4.28 hd Persephone/dolphin-rider [V 5]
AV 1/6 stater 1.45 IV hd Hera/Taras kneeling [V 6- 7]
AV 1/12 stater/ 0.72 IV hd Hera/kantharos [V 8- 9]
AR stater 6.53- 7.94 27 horseman stand still /dolphin-rider [V 342, 345, FB 303-304]
AR stater 6.51- 8.06 274 horseman jumping /dolphin-rider [V 316-9, 346-8, 362-4, 372, 374, 359-61, 365-70, 373, 375, FB 305-313, 371-388, 391-419]
AR stater 6.50- 7.99 111 horseman jumping, arm back /dolphin-rider [V 331-341, FB 348-370, 389-390]
AR stater 5.68- 8.20 111 horseman prancing or galloping/dolphin-rider (or vv) [V 291-2, 489-95, 470-3, FB 314-316, 547-554, 611-615]
AR stater 6.76- 7.98 76 horseman stand still, crowning/dolphin-rider [V 349-58, FB 343-347, 442-447]
AR stater 5.70- 8.30 586 horseman dismounting, shield /dolphin-rider [V 297-312, 389-95, 428-42, 497, FB 317-342, 494-535, 629-643, 652-660, 666-668]
AR stater 5.98- 8.12 97 horseman stand still, shield /dolphin-rider [V 376-81, 383-5, FB 420-441]
AR stater 6.78- 8.04 113 horseman prancing or galloping, arm back/dolphin-rider [V 468-9, 475-9, 483, 485-6, FB 448-456, 471, 477-478, 575-580, 595-600]
AR stater 6.45- 8.60 282 horseman stand still, crowning/dolphin-rider [V 413-27, 508-9, FB 457-470, 472-476, 479-492, 685-692]
AR stater 7.60- 7.76 4 horseman stand still, arm up /dolphin-rider [V -, FB 493]
AR stater 6.40- 8.04 53 horseman prancing or galloping, arm str back/dolphin-rider [V 411, 480-2, 487-8, FB 536-546, 556]
AR stater 6.27- 8.11 213 horseman stand still, 1 leg up/dolphin-rider [V 449-55, 458-64, 466, FB 570-574, 581-594, 601-610, 616-628]
AR stater 5.97- 8.04 121 horseman stand still, herm /dolphin-rider [V 407-10, FB 555, 557-569]
AR stater 5.54- 8.19 98 horseman stand still, helm shield/dolphin-rider [V 443-6, FB 661-665, 669-670]
AR stater 5.98- 8.00 76 horseman galloping, helm shield backwards/dolphin-rider [V 387-8, FB 647-651]
AR stater 6.70- 7.94 22 horseman galloping, shield backwards/dolphin-rider [V 496, FB 644-646]
AR stater 6.72- 8.07 67 horseman galloping, helm shield far side /dolphin-rider [V 448, FB 671-677]
AR stater 6.93- 8.04 100 horse, warrior at far side /dolphin-rider [V 516-8, FB 678-684]
AR litra? 0.88 hd Heracles ls /dolphin [V 1204]
AR litra? 0.66- 0.88 hd Satyra /dolphin [V 1205-1208]
AR litra? 0.55 hd Taras /kantharos 4/5p [V 1209]
AR 5 onkia/litra? 0.50- 0.64 hd Athena /club and bow 5p [V 1210-1215]
AR 5 onkia/litra? 0.50- 0.60 hd Athena /kantharos 5p [V 1216-1220]
AR 5 onkiai 0.59 hd Heracles /kantharos 5p [SNG ANS 1355]
AR diobol 0.97- 1.18 horse prancing /dolphin-rider [V 1225-1231]
AR diobol 0.89- 1.05 hd Athena helmet/Heracles seated on rock [V 1232-1235]
AR obol? 0.56 plough /sea-horse [V 1224]
AR obol/litra 0.50- 0.83 scallop shell /dolphin [V 1473-1547]
AR hemilitron? 0.36- 0.42 hd Satyra /kantharos 3p [V 1221-1222]
AR hemilitron? 0.27 hd male bearded /kantharos 6p [V 1223] Messapian immitation?
340-281 BC
334-330 BC Alexander the Molossian (Epeiros)
AV stater 8.61 hd Hera/horseman [V 10]
AV stater 8.55- 8.58 hd Heracles ls/biga with Taras [V 11,16,18]
AV 1/2 stater 4.19- 4.35 hd Hera/Taras on dolphin [V 12]
AV 1/3 stater 2.84 hd Athena Cor helm/dolphin-biga +Taras [V 17]
AV 1/3 stater 2.81- 2.85 hd Athena Cor helm/biga with Taras [V 19- 20]
AV 1/20 stater 0.42- 0.66 hd Helios frnt/thunderbolt [V 13- 15]
AV litra? 0.65- 0.71 V hd Helios frnt/thunderbolt [V 1864-1865]
AV hemilitron 0.42 V hd Helios frnt/thunderbolt [SNG ANS 977]
315-314 BC Akrotatos, 302-300 BC Kleonymos
AV stater 8.54- 8.61 hd Hera/Dioscuri on horseback [V 21- 22]
AV stater 8.57 hd Heracles ls/biga with Taras [V 23]
302 BC Kleonymos
AV stater 8.56 hd Hera, 3 dolphins/horseman, Nike above [V 24]
AV drachm 4.25 hd female /dolphin-rider [V 25- 26]
AV diobol 1.40- 1.44 hd Apollo laur /Heracles striking lion [V 27]
Corcyra weight standard
AR stater 10.28-10.95 hd Zeus / thunderbolt [V 1866-1872]
AR stater 6.35- 8.00 47 horseman, horse restrained by male /dolphin-rider [V 525-529, FB 711-715]
AR stater 6.32- 8.09 23 horseman prancing /dolphin-rider [V 396-398, FB 703-705]
AR stater 6.05- 7.94 29 horseman, leading other horse /dolphin-rider [V 399-402, 404-406, FB 706-710]
AR stater 6.37- 8.05 283 horseman, crowning /dolphin-rider [V 499-506, 510-5, 564-5, 659-64, FB 693-702, 716-8, 760, 777-91, 797-802, 1046-8, 1138-9]
AR stater 7.72- 7.84 2 horseman, boy and young man in front /dolphin-rider [V -, FB 726]
AR stater 6.80- 7.97 19 horseman, prancing /dolphin-rider [V 519-524, FB 719-724]
AR stater 7.13- 7.98 12 horseman, male in front /dolphin-rider [V 563, FB 725]
AR stater 7.40- 7.82 6 two horseman (Dioscuri) /dolphin-rider [V 560-2, FB 727-8]
AR stater 5.33- 8.17 1839 horseman, prancing, shield at far end /dolphin-rider [V 538-58, 566-92, 594-6, 598-619, 621-47, FB 729-59, 761-76, 809-946, 983-1045, 1049-1135, 1140-1]
AR stater 7.45- 7.74 10 horseman, jumping. Nike behind /dolphin-rider [V 536-7, FB 794-6]
AR stater 7.19- 7.89 12 horseman, horse restrained by Nike /dolphin-rider [V 530- 534, FB 792-3]
AR stater 7.18- 7.98 27 horseman, prancing, arm stretched behind/dolphin-rider [V 665, FB 803-5]
AR stater 6.81- 8.03 45 horseman, prancing/galloping, crowning/dolphin-rider [V 651-2, FB 806-8]
AR stater 5.94- 8.04 168 horseman, 1 leg up, crowning himself /dolphin-rider [V 654-8, FB 947-82]
AR stater 5.40- 8.23 18 horseman, hidden behind huge shield /dolphin-rider [V 648, 650, FB 1136-7]
AR drachm VI hd Athena helm /owl stg, olive br [V 1047-1053]
AR drachm VI hd Athena helm /owl stg, club [V 1054-1057]
AR di/1.5 obol 0.77-1.08 hds 2 horses/hds 2 horses [V 1680-1688]
AR diobol 0.71- 1.15 hd Helios frnt/thunderbolt [V 1873-1874]
AR diobol 0.98- 1.19 hd Heracles frnt /Heracles fighting lion [V 1348-1353]
AR diobol 1.01- 1.18 hd Heracles ls /Heracles fighting lion [V 1354-1356]
AR diobol 0.77- 1.30 hd Athena helmet/Heracles fighting lion [V 1236-1347]
AR obol 0.49 hd Heracles /Heracles fighting lion (SNG VII 103]
AR obol/ 0.30- 0.60 hd horse /hd horse [V 1689-1728] Munchen 3: 1/16 stater
AR hemiobol/litra 0.24- 0.37 scallop shell /dolphin [V 1548-1598]
AR tritartemorion 0.30 1 scallop shell /hd horse [V 1729] 1/16 stater
AR diobol hd Apollo Karneios/Heracles fighting lion [V 1357] Federal coin Tarentum and Metapontum
AR diobol 1 hd Athena helm/ME ear of corn, owl [V 1358] Federal coin Tarentum and Metapontum
AE ... 0.65- 0.68 eagle/thunderbolt, laurel wreath [V 1875]
281-209 BC