AE14 of Velia, 425/390-... BC

Obv. hd Heracles in lion's skin
Rev. owl, UELH

Mangieri 186     2.27 g     Munthandel G. Henzen, June 1996 no. f

1st specimen
2nd specimen

Mangieri (1986) 425 BC - 1C BC
Rutter   (1977) 425    -390 BC
Di Bello (1977) 390 BC - 

classification according to Rutter
AE 16           3.70- 4.81    6    hd Heracles    /owl                                        [II]
AE 15-18        2.68- 4.74   10    hd Heracles    /owl within wreath                          [III, M 188-189]
AE 15           1.75- 3.43   24    hd Heracles    /owl                                        [IV,  M 186-187]
AE 11           1.50          1    hd Heracles    /owl                                        [V]