Syracuse Coins [info Syracuse]
.. denomination weights n description Obv/Rev [Ref.]
510-415 BC
415-406/5 BC (End of Second Democracy)
AV 50-litra 3.47 8 hd Medusa facing on shield; SURAKOSIO-N around/Ephebe with
AV 20-litra 1.33 1 hd Arethusa /trident in incuse square
AV 10-litra 0.56- 0.69 14 hd Athena Att helm/hd Gorgon on aegis
AV 10-litra 0.56- 0.57 2 hd Athena Att helm/wheel in incuse square
AR tetradrachm 15.70-17.38 84 quadriga /hd Arethusa A [T 1- 9, 18-21, 23]
AR tetradrachm 16.00-17.30 20 quadriga /hd Arethusa B [T 10-17]
AR tetradrachm 16.05-17.89 97 quadriga /hd Arethusa C [T 22, 24-28, 30-36, 43]
AR tetradrachm 16.72-17.59 98 quadriga /hd Arethusa D1 [T 29, 37-42, 44-45, 48, 57]
AR tetradrachm 14.71-17.37 44 quadriga /hd Kore E1 [T 46-47]
AR tetradrachm 16.50-17.40 26 hd Arethusa D1/quadriga [T 49-56]
AR drachm 3.78- 4.24 10 hd Arethusa /hero Leukaspis [or VV]
AR hemidrachm 1.67- 2.17 18 hd Arethusa /quadriga [or VV]
AR litra hd Arethusa /octopus
415 BC
AE hemilitron 4.85±0.34 33 hd female /incuse squares [C 16,18]
AE hemilitron 3.80±0.35 56 hd female /wheel [C 19-22]
AE drachm 29.65- 22.04 2 hd Athena /hippocamp [C 33 (32 = Solous)]
AE hemilitron 2.46- 5.22 38 hd female /dolphin, shell [C 24-28]
AE tetras 1.50- 2.22 24 hd nymph front/octopus [C 29]
AE tetras 1.70- 2.35 6 hd female /hippocamp octopus, ±3p [C 30]
AE onkia? 1.71- 1.94 4 hd female /trident, ±1p [C 31]
406-367 BC (Dionysius I)
AV 100-litra 5.70- 5.80 35 hd Arethusa /Herakles lion
AV 50-litra 2.86- 2.90 25 hd young male /horse prancing, incuse
AV 20-litra 1.09- 1.20 34 hd Herakles ls/incuse squares hd Arethusa in centre
AR dekadrachm 39.46-44.77 162 quadriga /hd Arethusa or Persephone
AR tetradrachm 16.80-17.34 6 quadriga /hd Arethusa or Persephone E2 [T 66, 106]
AR tetradrachm 16.30-17.44 138 quadriga /hd Arethusa D2 [T 63-65, 68-77, 82-87, 95, 105]
AR tetradrachm 16.63-17.33 28 quadriga /hd Arethusa G [T 60- 62]
AR tetradrachm 17.14 1 quadriga /hd Arethusa H [T 67]
AR tetradrachm 15.37-17.55 113 quadriga /hd Arethusa J [T 88- 94, 96-104]
AR tetradrachm 16.20-17.27 30 hd Arethusa front I/quadriga [T 78- 81]
AR tetradrachm 16.95-17.30 11 quadriga /hd front Athena F [T 58- 59]
AR drachm 3.49- 4.21 20 hd Athena front/hero Leukaspis
AR hemidrachm 1.82- 2.06 10 hd Athena front/quadriga
AR litra 0.75 1 hd Arethusa /quadriga
AR litra 0.66- 0.83 24 hd Arethusa /octopus
AR hemilitron 0.26- 0.40 9 hd Arethusa /wheel
AR tetras 0.17- 0.18 3 hd Arethusa /octopus, 3p
AE drachm 16.32-41.62 577 hd Athena /2 dolphins sea-star [C 62]
AE litra 6.06-10.19 68 hd Athena /hippocamp + bridles [C 41-45]
AE hemilitron 4.13- 7.99 74 hd Athena /hippocamp [C 34-40]
357-354 BC (Dion)
AE hemidrachm 11.36-18.34 85 hd Zeus /winged thunderbolt [C 70-73]
AE litra 4.25- 4.99 5 hd Zeus /winged thunderbolt [C 74]
AE hemilitra 3.16- 3.60 7 hd Zeus /octopus [C 75]
AE ... 1 hd Zeus laur /3 dolphins around scallop-shell [C 76]
357 BC Dion's Symmachy
AE ... 7.86-12.99 3 hd Zeus /fulmen SYMMAXIKON [C Sym 6]
344-289 BC
289-... BC